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Jungkook slowly stopped the kiss, separating from you. He cupped your face and looked into your eyes. As if you were to disappear into thin air.

"Jungko-" You spoke but he put his index finger on your lips, signaling silence.

"No. Listen to me. It's my turn to speak."

You were quite taken aback by his response, but nodded your head anyways.

He took a deep breath before speaking—before speaking the truth.

"What I meant the other day was that I was planning on asking you to be my girlfriend."

Your lips parted and a whispered gasp escaped your lips.

"I'm sorry this misunderstanding happened. If maybe I-"

"No, I'm sorry." You cut him off. "If I hadn't let my insecurities take over this wouldn't be happening in the first place. I shouldn't pressure you over something like this. I didn't mean to ruin things between us and I know you might be fed up by me already."

"I could never. I love you just the way you are. Every flaw you say you have, I consider it a quality. Every insecurity you have, I consider them you're best features. Every inch of you, I consider to be perfect. But I accept your flaws, because that's what love is. I've learned to love you through your flaws, and love them as well. I've accepted you. All of you. And I'm not letting you slip away from my reach. I want us to be together."

He took a paper out of his pocket. He unfolded the paper and you chuckled. It was the drawing of you, the one he had to make for art class. The day you both officially met and actually talked.

The day you saw how others treated him because of his shyness.

The day you saw past his shyness.

The day where everything started.

Jungkook took out a little box of his hoodie's pocket. He opened it revealing a promise ring.

"I drew this the day I met you officially, and I'm so glad I did. I don't know where I would be right now if I hadn't met you. I love you and I'll forever be thankful for you. So Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"


I'm sorry for any errors! This is a rushed chapter and I know it's boring, I'm sorry!

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