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You blinked once, twice, still not believing what he had just said. Your eyes teared up, tears of happiness trailed down your face.

Jungkook's eyes softened at the sight. He didn't know that his words cause an effect on you. He was thrilled to know that he was your happiness just as you are his.

You sniffed, feeling as if this was all a dream. You didn't know why you got all emotional, but it's not like you could control your emotions.

"So?" Jungkook's voice brought you back to your feet.

"Y-Yes!" You squealed.

Jungkook smiled so big that his face kind of hurt. He heart pounced on his chest so hard he thought he would die. You were his now and he was yours.

"You took too long to answer." He pouted, teasing you.

"I did not, Jeon!" You laughed.

He stared as you lovingly. He loved seeing you smile and hear your ugly laugh, as you called it. But to him, it was beautiful—like music to his ears. He loved hearing your laugh, it signified your happiness and to him there was nothing better than to know you were happy.

He would do anything for you. He continued to stare until you noticed and you stopped laughing.

With a smile still on your face you asked, "What?"

Jungkook smiled genuinely. "Nothing, just admiring what's mine."

Your heart fluttered. You looked into his eyes, staring right back with such a lovely gaze.

You didn't notice it but your faces continued to get closer until you could feel his breath on your lips. Your lips longed for his, as his longed for yours.

When Jungkook's lips touched yours, it felt as if you were dreaming. But when his tongue came in, you knew it was real for sure—it felt too real.

Both your lips and Jungkook's moved in sync, as you both hungrily kissed each other.

"Don't eat my sister's face off, you monster!"

You both separated from the so-awesome-let's-try-it-again kiss to see Jimin sitting down in the porch.

"How long have you been there?" Jungkook asked, his face turning red from embarrassment.

Jimin put his elbows on his knees, his hands on his cheeks supporting his head. "Long enough, y'all are dripping honey." He acted as if he was cleaning something off his shoulders and made a disgusted face.

Your face was becoming hot. He saw all of it? This was going to be a long week...

Jimin seemed to notice your face and laughed. "I'll be going inside then..." Still laughing, Jimin went inside your house and closed the door behind him.

"He's going to tease you about it, I can feel it." Jungkook said.

"Not only me but he'll tease you as well, I can feel it." You smirked and he narrowed his eyes at you.

"Oh, shut it, you piece of brownie." He said.

"Piece of brownie?" You laughed and his face flushed red. "What? W-Why brownie?" You asked between laughs.

He scratched the back of his neck and shrugged. "Well I'm new with this dating thing, and my mom had said that couples call each other sweet things. Brownies are pretty sweet if you ask me."

"Aww, kookie! You're so innocent!" You laughed.

He pulled you close to him, your bodies extremely close. He made you look at him by holding your chin. "Say that again, babygirl?"

You looked into his eyes and wondered how the fuck did he go from baby to daddy real quick.

He kissed you so passionately you felt as if he took to a whole other dimension. You both separated for air.

"You should go home already, kook. It's getting late."

"Aww, my girlfriend is worried about me."

Your face got red and you covered it with your hands. "Stopppp!" You whined as he teased you.

He snaked his arms around you and brought you to his embrace. "I'll be leaving now, princess. Rest well, and remember I love you."

"I love you too." You said as he kissed the top of your head. "Please, be careful, and text me when you get home so I can know your safe."

He nodded and smiled, he turned around and walked away. Until he stopped and turned and next thing you know he's running to you.

He hugs you once again. "I can't believe your my girlfriend." He merely whispered, he then sighed and kissed your cheek. He held your hand.

"I'll get going now, I love you." He slowly released your hand, walking away.

You went inside your home and walked to your room, heading to your bathroom.

You smiled until you looked up to your mirror.

"Jungkook saw me like this?!?"

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I'm back!Also, I published a new book called "Noticed", it's quite different from this book

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I'm back!
Also, I published a new book called "Noticed", it's quite different from this book. The book will be kind of angsty and Jungkook's character is WAY different from Jungkook's character at the beginning of this book. So yeah, check it out!

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