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"It's all up to her now. She decided when she wakes up."

You heard your mom sobbing.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to!" Jimin cried.

"Stop! Just stop!" You heard your father say.

"No... why are they fighting?"

You felt someone grab your hand.

"P-Please wake up, N-Noona."

"It's Jungkook..."

"I n-need you h-here. I p-promise t-that if y-you wake u-up, I'll t-take you to a lot o-of d-dates." He sniffed. "I w-will make y-you happy."

"He's going back to his old self... I need to come back."

You tried so hard to grab his hand back but the only thing you could do was move your finger a bit. Which he noticed.

"N-Noona?" He sniffed. "C-Can you h-hear me?"

You moved your finger again and your family freaked out calling the doctor.

"It's just her nerves." He said.

"It's not. It's me Jungkook, I'm here. Please... Notice me."

Jungkook slowly started to let go of your hand.

"No! Jungkook! I'm here!"

His hand still proceeded to let go of yours. He couldn't hear you. No one could.

"Don't let go! Jungkook, I'm here!"

He let go of your hand completely.

You wanted to scream and cry. The frustration of not being able to say anything was stressful.

And that's how it went for two months.

You didn't hear of Jungkook anymore. It was as if he disappeared.

You had no sense of direction or time but you could still tell that it's been a long time since he last came.

You wanted to say many things when you heard your parents' conversations.

You wanted to tell them that you were still there. That it wasn't only your lifeless body laying there, but it was impossible. You tried to move your fingers again and you couldn't. Even when your mother held your hand, you just couldn't.

You wanted to cry.

How long will you remain this way?


You heard your parents come into the room. You would greet them but, you know, you can't.

Someone came in as well and you hoped it was Jungkook. Disappointment was present when you heard the doctor's voice.

"There's nothing we can do, which is why I have to tell you this."

"Tel us what?"

The doctor sighed. "She's not responding to anything. We've done everything there is to be done. The hospital can't keep her here forever, there's more patients that need to be taken care of."

"What are you trying to tell us?"

"All I'm saying is that... Disconnecting her became an option now."

"Disconnecting? Oh... you mean.... Oh. oH. oH hElL nAw."

My parents sighed .

"You'll let me live, right Mom? You won't let them kill me, right? Dad, you said you'd take me to your hometown once I graduated. This isn't fair. What about Jimin? I can't leave him, I need him too. Besides, I need to know of Jungkook. Please... don't let them kill me."

"I think..." My father started. "I think disconnecting her would be for the best."

"What? No! Don't let them kill me! Mom, stop them!"

My mother sighed. "I agree. It's so hard to see her like this, this isn't her." She took a deep breath. "Disconnect her."


Just to be clear, your thoughts are in italics.

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