Spill it.

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"Spill it. Now." Tina said as she lounged on my sofa. She was always blunt and to the point. We had been friends since middle school and no matter how much our lives took us in different directions we alway made time for our friendship.

"Remember a month ago when I drove that girl home from the diner?" Her eyes lit up. "That's Audrey."

"No fucking way, you're dating the crazy girl you drove home?" Tina started laughing louder. "Of course you are. What's she like? Is she cute?"

I told Tina every detail. How we spent nights together and how she wasn't working but also didn't need to. I told her about how beautiful she is and how kind hearted she is.

"Wait, so she's rich?" Of course that was the only part Tina noticed.

"I haven't asked but she definitely doesn't need for anything." I added nonchalantly.

Audrey's money didn't matter to me. I enjoyed being around her. I enjoyed the way she made me feel. It was a welcomed break from my hectic life.

"When can I meet her?"

"Slow down. We haven't been dating long. If you can even call it that. We have never actually been out on a date." I felt my stomach sink. I wanted to take her out but money was an issue for me.

"Wait, you guys haven't gone out? What do you do together? Are you just fucking?"

"No, we haven't at all actually. To either."

"What the hell. You just cuddle and watch movies? Why haven't you had sex? I just assumed you were since you were sleeping there a lot."

"It just hasn't happened yet. I want to but I'm always tired or have homework. There's also a small part of me that questions if she likes me like that. What if this is all she wants? Like a good friend."

Tina shook her head. She looked kind of disappointed.

"Just be careful. I'm sure there's some feelings because she's kissed you. But then again you aren't having sex yet. Rich girls are fucked up Emma. They come with a lot of baggage, literally and figuratively. I just hope you're not some flavor of the week or something."

I had thought it too. Maybe one day she would get bored and want someone with more money or someone who has traveled the world. Someone more distinguished.

Tina could tell I was upset. "Hey listen if that's true then fuck her. Maybe she's genuine. Maybe you should ask more questions. Find out what she wants or what you guys are. Are you dating? Is it exclusive? That kind of shit."

She was right. She almost always was. I sent a quick text to Audrey mostly because I couldn't wait to see her in person to ask. If she wanted a friendship I could give it to her even if I wanted more. I just needed to know.


"Emma please tell me you didn't just ask her through text." Tina asked wide eyed after she caught me typing on my phone.

"I didn't yet. But I can't wait, I have to know now."

My phone rang a few minutes later letting me know I had a new message.

What's wrong?

"Shit. She asked what's wrong." I said as I tossed my phone to Tina so she could read it.

"That's because all you said was hi with a period. No one says that unless they're mad. Girl code Emma."

I sucked at this.

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