Morning Coffee.

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When I woke up my head was resting on Audrey's chest. I could hear her breathing softly. In between her breaths I could hear Audrey's heart beating. There was something so soothing about the rhythm her body was creating.

The sun light was bouncing through the room. It reflected off her polished furniture and the light danced on the walls. It gave the large bedroom a warm cozy feeling.

One of my hands was tucked under Audrey while the other rested on her stomach. Her shirt was lifted slightly from her slumber. I ran my fingers along her skin in small circles as I listened to her heart.

"That feels nice." Audrey spoke. I hadn't noticed that she had woken up. I tilted my head to look at her. Her eyes were absorbing the sunlight. They were a beautiful bright blue at any given moment and the sunlight only enhanced their allure. A piece of hair had fallen over her beautiful blues so I tucked it gently behind her ear.

"How did you sleep?" I placed a small kiss just below her ear and turned so my body was pressed against hers.

"I always sleep better when you're next to me Em." Audrey turned to face me as well. She ran her hand up and down my side and hip. This wasn't just a casual touch. Her deep blue eyes held something else in them. Last night I wanted to take things slow but if she kept this up it would be nearly impossible for me to stop. Audrey's hand slowly worked its way under my shirt where it continued to run along my waist and side.

My mind didn't wait for logic. My body was reacting to the beautiful person across from me. I reached up and touched Audrey's face. I ran my fingertips against her jawline and gently pulled her in for a kiss. I felt her hand grip on my hip as our mouths danced together. Without hesitation, Audrey bit down gently on my lower lip. It shocked me so much that a hoarse moan escaped from my lips. I felt my body igniting under her touch.

I deepened the kiss further pulling her on top of me. Her legs straddled my waist and I could feel her warmth against me. My hands travelled up and down her back as she began to kiss my neck. Her teeth bit down on me and I felt her whispered something against my skin. In response lifted my waist up to hers causing as much friction between us as I could.

Audrey hands were exploring my body. They roamed down from my neck to my waist in long, lustful motions. I wanted our clothes off immediately. I had to constantly remind myself not to rush through this. I sat us up while she remained straddled on my waist.

Audrey parted from my lips only to pull my borrowed tank top from my body. I felt her adjusting so that one of her knees was positioned between my legs before she too took her shirt off as well. I leaned back on the bed while holding her so I could admire the view she was giving me. Her body was driving me crazy. I had only saw half of it at this point and I couldn't wait to see more. I watched her smile in a devilish way before she pressed her knee against me and leaned back down to continue her attack on my lips.

My hands tangled themselves into her hair. Her breathing became rapid as I pressed myself against her as well. I wanted her more than ever and she knew it. Her confidence was driving me insane. Usually I was the aggressor in bed but with her I didn't mind sharing the dominance.

Audrey hands stealthily slipped unclipped my bra strap. She tossed my bra to the side of her large bed in the direction of the door. I looked to see where it landed in sheer amazement of how efficiently she had removed it.

When I looked up I noticed a few girls standing in the door way.

"What the fuck." I said as I shook Audrey to get her attention. Audrey looked at me confused at first. I gestured with a nod towards the door and when she turned she screamed.

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