Do Over.

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Starbucks was packed. Almost every seat was taken. There were people on their computers working while others talked with their friends. My eyes roamed from table to table as I looked for Audrey.

When I found her she was seated at a table by a window. She was talking on her phone and her hands were flying through the air as if she was describing something for someone seated across from her. I chuckled to myself as I watch her.

I caught the end of the conversation as I walked up to the table.

"I want the best of the best. Call me when it's done." She said before hanging up.

I found myself speechless when I reached her. It was like every single literate ability left my mind as I took in the woman in front of me. There was something different about her. It was clear she had lost some weight but the difference wasn't physical. It was as if her mind set had had changed. She seemed confident and comfortable as she sat. Her face held determination and sheer focus. She had a new aura that surrounded her and it lured me in.

Audrey turned and found looking down at her. She didn't stand to embrace me. Instead her beautiful blue eyes met mine. I felt my heart start speeding up as our eyes met. My nerves were on edge and my palms had grown damp from sweat.

"Do you want to sit?" She asked as I continued to look at her.

"Emma?" I stood motionless."Can you sit down please you're making me nervous."

"Yeah," I snapped out of my stupor and sat. "Sorry."

I found myself shaking my head as I realized how dumb I must have looked.

There was a moment of silence as we looked at each other. I couldn't tell what she was thinking and I had no idea where to start. The tension lingered in the air like a low lying fog.

"So last night." Audrey took hold of her coffee. "How do you feel?

Was she talking about the kiss or my obvious hangover?

"I feel like shit." I answered truthfully to either question with one statement.

Audrey was still hanging on to her poker face. She had an empty expression and I couldn't tell what was going through her mind. I decided to test the waters.

"Audrey, I'm sorry for calling you so late." I sighed. "I don't remember much."

Audrey eyes were still locked on mine and for the first time I realized what she was feeling. She was pissed off. Her eyes held an intimidating glare which oppressed me to the point where I sunk in my seat like a scolded child.

"How much of last night do you remember Emma?" Audrey asked.

"Up until getting in the Uber and some of the ride back to Tina's." I admitted.

Audrey's cheeks were turning red. I was waiting for her to explode and cause a scene in the packed Starbucks lounge. I closed my eyes and waited but no outburst came. Instead she spoke calmly.

"Before we talk about what you said on the call I want to say something." I nodded at her silently, indicating her to continue. "What Jen said to you was true and I know that I fucked up. I should have said something. I know that now and I'm sorry Emma."

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