A Night to Remember

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"Audrey." I moaned as she pinned me against the door of my apartment. Audrey smashed her lips on to mine. Audrey attacked me with affection as she dominated the kiss. I had lost any coherent thought as I struggled to open my front door.

Finally after fumbling to turn the doorknob multiple times I was able to unlock the door. Audrey and I stubbed back into my small living room. We both shared a laugh knowing we got too carried away in my apartment's shared hallway.

I hung up our coats while Audrey made herself at home on my couch. When I walked over to her Audrey pulled me down onto her lap. Since the elevator ride up she had been the aggressor and it was driving me crazy. It was sexy and lustful, every single thing she did was turning me on more and more.

I didn't want the desire to be one sided. I pressed myself against her while I leaned down to kissed her neck. A lustful moaned escaped her lips as I bit down on her neck.  In sheer victory I smiled against her soft skin. I felt her hips pressing up against mine and I knew I wasn't alone in my desire.

Audrey moved her kisses from my lips down to my jawline. I felt her trace soft kisses down my neck and back up to just under my ear. My skin was on fire. There were no more interruptions. There was nothing holding us back anymore. I leaned back as Audrey gripped my hips. In one swift motion I took off my shift and threw it to the ground.

Audrey's eyes widened. Her blue eyes seemed darker now than they ever have before. I watched her perfect blues travel up and down my body. Her hands made there way up from my hips as she explored me. As her hands roamed, I leaned back down so I could kiss her. When our lips met again I felt and explosion of excitement race through my body. Every inch of my skin had goosebumps as Audrey's was grinding against me on my couch.

"I want you." I heard her whisper while she nibbled on my ear. I wanted her too.

I couldn't wait anymore. I stood up and led her to my bedroom. We stopped in the hallway and shared another hungry kiss. Audrey ripped her shirt of and tossed it on the floor behind us. As we approached my bed Audrey pulled me in for yet another kiss. We were like magnets, completely drawn to one another. I felt us walking backwards. My legs hit the bed as Audrey guided me down. This time, Audrey positioned herself on top of me. Her body pressed against mine as her lips continued to explore my mouth.

She pulled away from me so she could remove her bra. I stared up at her dumbfounded by her sheer beauty. Her hair draped down her shoulders. Her skin was flawless, her body was perfect. My hands found themselves attached to her hips as I took in the sight in front of me. The excitement that rushed through me felt new. It was like I was loosing my virginity all over again.

Audrey's eyes found mine and I watched her smile. She saw my excitement and embraced it tenfold. Again she leaned down and kissed me. My hands explored her back as she attacked my neck, biting and sucking on it. My fingernails dug into her skin.

Audrey had removed my bra swiftly and I sat up slightly so she could pull it from me. This time she was the one observing. Her eyes roamed my body. Without any further hesitation Audrey situated her self next to me and began to undo my pants. Her face was flushed and she and her luscious blue eyes were beaming with desire.

She tossed my pants down to the floor and straddled . She started at my forehead, placing kisses downward. Her hands roamed to my chest as her lips found my neck. When her leg pressed against me and my body exploded with multitude of sensations. Her hands, her lips, and her legs combined nearly threw me over the edge. I tried to calm myself knowing she was just getting started. She traveled down me using her tongue leaving a small wet trail. She stopped only at my chest. Her tongue danced on my nipples and again I found myself approaching my climax.

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