The gift.

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Audrey's point of view.


"Hey, wait here I forgot my phone."

I give Emma a quick kiss on the forehead before running back to her mother's hospital room. Emma was clearly emotional shot from the last few days because she had not realized that my phone had been in my hand through the entire conversation.

I just needed to speak to her mother alone. Just for a few short moments. I wanted her to know she didn't have to worry about Emma. I needed her to know I was sorry for hurting her daughter and that I love her.

Even with her health looking better it still felt like an urgent matter. I needed to tell her just in case I never got another chance to again. I wanted to tell her about the restaurant and how I planned on making it hers.

My body rushed into the room and watched as her eyes found mind.

"Are you alright?"  Her voice broke a bit. "Where is Emma honey?

"I'm sorry." I paused to regain my composure. "I'm sorry I hurt her. I just wanted to tell you that." The words rushed from my mouth. My hands tapped on the bed's safety rail as my nerves flared.

"Oh I know that honey. I know you girls love each other you don't have to apologize." Diane took a sip from her water so she could speak again without her rasp. "She's thick headed, she gets it from her father. Be patient with her."

"I bought her a restaurant." I blurted out knowing I had jumped right into the next topic.

Diane looked at me as if I had nine heads. Her mouth hung ajar in sheer shock.

"I want to marry her. I haven't bought a ring or planned out a proposal I just want to know if you will be okay with that?"

Still nothing, my face was flushed with embarrassment as I stood there waiting for a response. For a few moments I began to question speaking to her now. I was worried that I had personally thrown her into a second heart attack.

Seconds began to pass like hours as I looked down at the mother of the woman I loved. Finally her mouth closed and her lips slowly crept into a smile.

"Audrey dear, you have the worse timing do you know that? I was not expecting that." Diane began to laugh so much that a nurse stopped in to check on her.

"Everything okay here?"

"Yes!" She yelled. "I'm going to be a mother-in-law." Diane joked with the nurse who took it as her cue to leave.

"Diane I have to go before she comes looking for me but I promise we will talk more."

"Go honey, take care of her. I'll see you two soon."

I jogged back to Emma. She asked if we could stay at her mother's place and of course I agreed.

I drove us back leaving her car at the hospital. There was no need to have both vehicles and I didn't want her driving home.

"It's not like your bed, I don't want you to be disappointed." Emma collapsed on to her full size bed. It rattled a bit when her body landed on it.

"It's perfect. Do you want me to grab you some clothes so you could take a shower?" Emma's eyes narrowed a bit.

"Take one with me."

"Are you sure, I don't mind waiting Em." I sat down next to her on the old bed.

"I missed you Audrey. I know we spoke about it earlier before all this but I just want you to know that I want this with you."

Emma's eyes were starting wonder. The very tip of her nose was glowing red and tears began escaping from her eyes.

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