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The room they were in was really big, adorned with gold and emerald greens. The king sized bed was as soft as a feather, covered with silky sheets and comfy pillows. The massive windows had opened green curtains lined with golden threads that intertwined to create intricate patterns. Right in front of the bed, a massive oak desk was scattered with sheets of paper and a few baby toys. Then, on the left of the bed, opposite the window, there was a little crib made of pure gold. There laid a few different plushies: a horse, a black snake, a green snake and a wolf. A little toy hammer laid there as well, wrapped tightly in the arms of a black haired child.

Said child was a true beauty. Pale skin, black hair, soft pouty lips and a round, soft baby face. He was sleeping soundly after a long, long day, his face peaceful and his body relaxed. If the boy wasn't sleeping, tho, you would have been able to see what made him one of the most beautiful child in the entire reign: two bright, emerald green eyes that completed his angelic look perfectly.

The only flaw, if you could even call it that, was the little lightning bolt scar that the boy had on the forehead. It didn't matter too much tho, because what once was a bleeding cut was now just a pale, almost silvery, mark that made the baby look even more angelic.

Two men were seated on the bed, back against the headboard, and were talking and watching the baby boy sleep peacefully.

They seemed to be total opposites, like the moon and the sun. One had blond hair and electric blue eyes, the other had black hair and emerald green eyes; one was broad and tall, the other shorter and lean; one had a big smile playing on his lips, the other wore a neutral expression, ruined just by the soft eyes that watched the sleeping baby.

Even though they were opposites, tho, the shorter man had his head leaning on the blond's shoulder, an arm intertwined with the muscled one of the other.

"It has been a very long day, my love. No wonder he's sleeping so soundly." said the black haired male to his companion. "Mother and Father came to celebrate after the party, after all, and we know very well how they can be when excited." a smirk appeared on his thin, rosy lips. He was right, however, because that day had been the boy's first birthday and, as the now youngest member of the royal family, he had to make his first appearance in public, not an easy thing for the small, peaceful child.

The blond chuckled in a deep voice and replied, "You are right, my Moon, but seeing how he is usually, I just thought that Hadrian would have resisted a bit more before falling asleep." a tender smile playing on his lips.

Hadrian. This was the name of the little one. Hadrian Thorson. Fourth son of Thor Odinson and Loki Laufeyson. Brother to Jormungandr, Fenrir and Sleipnir. Future God of death and ruler of Hel itself. One of the most powerful children Asgard had ever seen, with nothing to evny his elder brothers for.

Just at the age of four months, the child, who his Sire had forgot to fed, hungry and upset, had been able to conjure a lightning bolt in front of himself, scaring the life out of Thor (who had been later scolded by Loki and Frigga for forgetting to feed the newborn) and acquiring his now famous lightning bolt scar.

Loki chuckled and turned his gaze towards his son once more. Getting up from the confortable embrace of his now husband, Loki reached out with a hand and, with a softness that only a Mother could show her son, caressed the head of his baby boy. The child's nose scrunched up in a cute way before relaxing again, accepting the touch of his Mother. Loki's stare softened again and he sent his sleeping son an adorning smile.

Just as Thor got up from the bed to go join his husband next to their son's crib, the double door on the right of the bed opened, revealing three boys of different ages.

Of Lightning Bolts And Green EyesWhere stories live. Discover now