7 - One's True Potential

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Master Larlig lead Harry into what looked like a healing chamber. The walls were completely made out of stone, almost as if the whole room had been dug straight into a mountain.

Looking curiously around the boy could see tiny runes carved all around the room, into the walls, the floor and even the ceiling. In the middle of the room there was a big stone with a flat top, it was about two meters long and a meter high, big enough that a person would be able to lay there comfortably enough.

There were at least five other Goblins in the room with Harry, Larlig and Asmodeus, who was flicking his tongue to pick up as many smells as he could.

One of the Goblins walked up to Harry and Larlig, talking swiftly in Gobbledegook and then motioning for Harry to follow him. The boy was told to get out of his clothes, which he did with reluctance due to the bandages covering his body, and to wear a plain white tunic, which seemed to be made of some type of silk.

When he was ready, the teen walked up to Master Larlig, waiting for instructions on what to do next. He didn't have to wait for long.

"Go lay on the stone, Heir Potter. You can decide weather you want to keep your Familiar with you or not, the ritual will affect the both of you anyway. We'll begin as soon as the ingredients are prepared." the Goblin said in a calm tone.

Harry took a couple of seconds to thing, scratching the snake's chin. "Do you want to stay here or come with me, beautiful? I'll leave the decision up to you." the teen hissed quietly.

"I would prefer to stay with you, hatchling. It would be better for the both of us to stay together during a ritual that is supposed to release your power." Asmodeus replied, flicking his tongue at Harry's hand in something that was supposed to resemble a kiss.

Harry smiled at his friend, turning to face Larlig and telling him that he would take Asmodeus with him. With that, he went to lay on the stone, his snake curled next to his head.

It only took a couple of minutes for the chanting to start and, with that, came a burning hot pain that traveled all through his body.

Harry thought he heard a scream, but he couldn't understand if it was him or not. His eyesight started to blurr, tears falling from his eyes and onto the stone he was laying on, as the boy felt like fire waa flowing through his veins.

It didn't take much time for him to lose consciousness.


Thor was feeling anxious. He himself didn't have a clue as to why that was, he just felt like something really big was about to happen.

He had been this way since a couple of days before, when he and the other Avengers had returned with his brother in custody.

He didn't know why Loki had caused so much distruction on Midgard. His Moon had never seemed hostile towards midgardians; he had always been content with caring about their children and looking after his family. Than again... after their youngest had been taken away he had not been the same.

The God of Thunder felt his heart tighten when the thought crossed his mind. He remembered those months after the night Hadrian had been kidnapped: his sons not smiling as much as they did, the empty crib right next to their bed, how his beloved would wake up in the middle of the night and just stare into the darkness for hours on end.

It had hurt him deeply. It still did.

"So, Point Break, what are we thinking about?"

Thor's thoughts were interrupted by Tony, who was just now entering the tower's living room with Burton and Rogers. "Still trying to find out why your brother went all crazy in the head and tried to start an alien invasion?" the mechanic asked with a slight smirk.

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