6 - Time For Discoveries

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Quickly recovering from his thoughts the boy swiftly made his way to the main desk in the hall. There didn't seem to be many people around, probably because of the early hour, and he was really grateful for it.

Reaching the desk, he patiently waited for the Head Goblin to finish writing on the parchment and, after what seemed like a few minutes, was finally acknowledged.

"Yes?" the Goblin asked in a quiet voice, a permanent sneer on his face as he addressed the green eyed teen.

Harry felt a surge of anger at being treated like that and was about to reply harshly but, before he could even utter a single word, his mouth was covered by his companion's tail. "Don't let your anger overcome you, hatchling. I can feel it in you, bubbling slowly like a potion ready to explode." Asmodeus hissed in his ear, trying not to get noticed by the few witches and wizards inside the bank. "Treat them like you want to be treated: with respect, and don't look at them like they're lesser than you, they do manage your money, young Harry." the snake finished with a quiet snicker.

The teen listened attently to his new friend, taking a deep breath to calm down before raising a hand and gently removing the shiny black tail from against his mouth, trying to recall what he had read on one of the books about magical costumes. "Greetings, Master Goblin." he began in a respectful tone, slightly startling the magical creature behind the desk, "In recent days I've come to face with many interesting revelations, which I found pretty worrying. You see, I've recently found my Familiar and the shopkeeper who owned him told me many things I didn't know. He also advised me to take an inheritance test." he finished quickly, not wanting to waste any time.

Harry heard a quite snicker coming from beside his right ear, probably due to the overly polite tone he had used to address the Goblin at the main desk.

The Head Goblin looked at him for a second before addressing him again. "And who might you be, youngling?" he asked, less harshly than before but still with a hint of disdain.

Instead of answering, Harry did exactly what he did on his first day on the Hogwarts Express: he lifted his fringe slightly, still mindful of the other people around, and let the creature see his scar.

The Goblin, seemingly unfazed by the sight of the reminder of the dark curse, hummed softly, an almost inaudible sound that came from deep withing his throat, and started scribbling on a piece of parchment. When he was finished he just held the piece of paper on his hands and blew on it, making it turn into an paper airplane and fly trough the doors that were guarded by two Goblins in golden armor.

Not even a minute later, another Gobling waddled trough said doors, coming to a stop in front of him and talking to him directly. "Come with me, Mister Potter. I'll take you to your account manager." he said. Without even waiting for an answer, he was making his way towards the long corridor, leaving a slightly confused Harry to follow him as best as he could.

The Goblin lead Harry and his Familiar through the guarded doors and into a corridor that was very different from the one he saw when he was eleven. While the one that lead to the carts and the vaults was bare and made of simple stone, this one was ornate with gold and white, almost like the entrance of the Bank.

The teen was lead before another pair of ornate doors, which the Goblin quickly told him to go through, and into a room that resembled an office.

The desk opposite the set of doors was large and seemingly made of a mixture of gold and polished wood. The chair behind it seemed more confortable than his bed at Hogwarts, which was the most confortable bed Harry had ever slept on, even more confortable than the one at the Leaky Cauldron. On that chair Harry could see a Goblin writing on parchment.

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