8 - Explanations (pt 1)

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Tony, Steve, Thor and, after a lot of bitching from a certain Captain, Loki were making their way towards the living room of Tony's penthouse. The God of Thunder was still clinging to his husband and the Liesmith didn't seem too keen on letting the blond out of his grasp either.

As they reached the 79th floor of Stark Tower, Tony spoke again. "So," he said looking at Thor and Loki, "I'm not sure what's going on but we're gonna wait for the others before the big reveal." he tried to sound as playful as possible but, still, there was an underlying seriousness to his tone. He than looked at Steve. "We're going to let them talk. Than, and only than, we'll decide what to do. I know you're worried Capsticle, but I don't really care at this point." just as he finished speaking Jarvis' voice sounded through the room. "Sir, Mr. Burton, Mr. Banner and Miss. Romanof are about to arrive." the AI said calmly. A couple of seconds of waiting and the elevator's doors opened to revel Hawkeye, Widow and Bruce.

"What is it, Stark? Why did you call..." Clint started to say, only to shut his mouth when he saw the man clinging to Thor's arm. The archer suddenly stood in an offensive pose, his bow and arrow pointed directly at the God of Mischief. "What the fuck is HE doing out of his cell, Stark?!" the superhero shouted. Seeing his friend on edge caused Natasha to stand beside him, both of them ready to fight.

Bruce just stood there with confusion written all over his face. He didn't trust Loki, not at all, but he knew that there must have been a good reason if Steve had agreed to let him out of the cell.

Tony was about to replie, his hands held up in the universal 'I surrender' sign, when someone beside him let out a furious growl and thunder roared above them. He turned to his right to see what was going on with Thor. Now, Tony Stark prided himself for not being easily scared, especially after what he had to endure at the hands of the Ten Rings, but what he saw positively terrified him.

Thor stood in front of Loki, Mjolnir held tightly in his hands and his eyes glowing an otherworldly electric blue. He had lightning running up and down his arms and his hammer was held in front of him in a threatening manner. The God of Mischief stood behind him, still tightly clinging to the other God's arm, a calm look on his face.

The others were stunned when God of Thunder spoke, his voice deep and intimidating. "You better be considering your next actions carefully, Clint Burton, for I will not hesitate to protect my husband if you try to harm him."

Clint spluttered, stunned by the fact that Thor had gotten so furious, never having seen the God like that. He, however, didn't seem to notice the detail in the sentence, something that couldn't be said about Bruce.

"Wait, did you just say 'husband'? What do you mean by that?" the scientist asked with a look of confusion on his face.

Tony gladly took the opportunity to try and explain without there being a murder in his house. "That's why I've asked Jarvis to call everyone. Something really strange happened, like, half an hour ago and the supposed couple here -he gestured at Thor and Loki next to him- have a lot of explaining to do." he said. When Clint tried to speak again Steve, who had been silent till that moment, replied with a stern voice. "I know you're not happy about this, Clint, trust me. But we'll let them explain."

The archer shut his mouth with an audible sound, his lips pulling into a scowl when Tony directed them to sit wherever they liked. After a bit of coaxing from the mechanic, the newly found couple sat on Tony's couch, Thor still with a weary look on his face and Loki still clinging to his arm like it was his very lifeline.

The other Avengers were soon seated all around them: the mechanic, who seemed to be the one the two Gods were most confortable around for some reason, sat next to Loki on the couch; Steve sat in the armchair opposite the couch, still weary of the God of Mischief, Bruce sitting beside him on a similar armchair; Clint and Natasha, who didn't want to take their eyes off of the couple, stood leaning on the doorframe that lead to the kitchen, weapons in their hands.

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