9 - Explanations (pt 2)

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Thor clenched his fist tightly, making sure not to hurt the other God, and lightning started making his way up his arms, causing Tony to yelp and remove his hand from where it was still sitting over the Gods'. "I would think carefully before speaking, if I were you, Agent Barton. If you could not tell, this is a difficult topic for both me and my husband and if you interrupt one more time I swear to the All Father that my wrath will strike you harder than lightning." the God said, with a sort of cold fury that frightened everyone except from Loki.

The Liesmith, once again, put a hand on his husband's arm and Thor, while still glaring at Clint, seemed to calm down a bit. He cleared his throat and continued on.

"As I was saying. To understand what happened before, first of all you have to understand what happened all those years ago. It was Hadrian's first birthday and, as it is custom, we introduced him as the newest Prince of our kingdom. The whole people came to celebrate and, at the end of the day, me, Loki and our little one were all exhausted." he paused for a second, a small smile gracing his face while he remembered all those happy memories. "It was a night like every other one, so we did not think much about our actions: we just bid goodnight to our kids and, after making sure that Hadrian had gone to sleep, we went to bed as usual." Thor paused again, tightening his hold on the Liesmith, knowing that what he was about to say would bring up bad memories for the both of them.

"That night... I awoke hearing Loki scream. It was a scream of pure rage and dispair, I do not think I have ever heard something similar. I woke up and, obviously, went to see what had happened. Loki was kneeling in front of Hadrian's crib and he was crying. When I got up to see what had happened... I found that the crib was empty." Thor's eyes had started glowing again but, this time, there were also tears streaming down his cheeks. Loki had hidden his face in his Husband's shoulder, his own shaking as he tried to repress his sobs.

Tony, Bruce and, oddly enough, Natasha all wore the same horrified expression. They couldn't believe that someone, no matter who they might be, would kidnap a year-old baby from his parents' room.

"Since that night we have not seen, heard of, or even felt our baby. Our little Hadrian was gone and we could not do anything, not even Heimdal was able to see him." the God of Mischief said with a strangled voice, his face still pressed against the other God's shoulder.

No one noticed Clint's eyes widening just a fraction, too engaged in the story that the Gods were telling. He might hate Loki and he might not have approved of him having children, but kidnapping a child... it didn't sit well with him. Not at all. He still remembers how he felt when his children had been born, and he could sympathize with the God of Lies, even if irked him to admit it.

Steve nodded, trying to understand the pain both Gods were still going through, but he needed his answers. He knew that there was more to it than it seemed. "That still doesn't explain what happened today." he said quietly, trying to sound understanding.

Bruce, Tony and Natasha glared at the Captain from their respective places in the room, wanting him to give the couple some time to compose themselves.

The mechanic put his hand back in Loki's arm, wanting to give some comfort to the still grieving... Mother, he supposed. Just to make sure, he glared at Steve again, wanting him to understand that sometimes getting answers quickly wasn't the right thing to do.

"That..." Thor started to say, making it so that every set of eyes in the room was focused on the pair of God's once again, "That is not so easy to explain: Loki is the one who uses Seidr between the two of us, so he knows more about this than I." he told the group, looking down where his Husband was hiding his face on his shoulder.

The Liesmith turned his face towards them, but otherwise didn't raise his head. "When a Seidr user reaches his full magical potential they go through a power boost and inheritance of sorts, and if the boost is powerful enough than the ones closest to them will be able to feel it too." his eyes had a glazed look to them while he continued, and a bittersweet smile bloomed on his face, "Our little one is so strong that he literally sent both his parents down on their knees." he let out a small, chocked laugh.

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