2- Healing

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The ride to the Leacky Cauldron was quick and unusually quiet. Even the Dre Head didn't scream its comments like it always did.

When the Bus stopped in front of the pub, Stanley got out and called Tom, the owner, who he found behind the counter, cleaning some glasses.

"Oh, hey Stanley. It's good to see you here. Do you want the usual?" the bartender said with a smile as soon as he saw the man at the door.

"No, no. You have to come outside. Quick. I need your help." Stanley said as calmly as possible, trying not to draw attention for the remaining costumers inside the pub.

Tom rose an eyebrow at the man but, slowly, he followed him outside. The Knight Bus was parked just outside his pub, directly on the other side of the street. Getting there wasn't difficult, seeing as no one was outside their houses at the time, so it took just a handful of seconds and they were on the Bus.

"Come on!" now that they were alone Stanley was visibly shaken and spoke with obvious urgency. Tom frowned but followed him anyway until they were in front of the beds. Stanley went up to one and crouched down, seeming to talk to someone.

Tom, intrigued by what he saw, decided to walk further ahead to get a better look at the bed. He took another couple of steps and...

What he saw made a shiver run down his spine.

There, on one of the beds on the Knight Bus, laid the Boy-Who-Lived, obviously beaten and in a lot of pain, if what he saw was right. He was visibly unconscious but Stanley was talking to him anyway.

"Hey, kid. It's okay. I asked Tom to come and help, we're gonna get you inside and in a room where you can rest, yeah? Everything is going to be fine." the man was saying in hushed tones. It was like the boy understood him, despite his lack of consciousness, because he rotated his head in the direction where Stanley's voice came and, probably because of the pain, whined softly.

Tom, too stunned to even move a muscle, didn't notice Stanley getting up and coming to stand in front of him. "We have to get him inside. He doesn't have much, just his trunk, but we have to get him cleaned up and into a bed, a decent one." the brown-haired man said and Tom suddenly understood his urgency and quickly nodded his head.

"We can't let the costumers see him, they'll recognize him almost immediately." he mused quietly. After thinking for a couple of seconds he took out his wand and cast a quick disillusionment charm on the boy.

Stanley picked up the boy and, after casting another charm on it, Tom took the trunk.

They made their way inside the Leacky Cauldron and swiftly went up the stairs and into a room that Tom was sure wasn't occupied. Stanley laid the boy on the bed and picked up his wand to cast a Finite on both the teen and his trunk, before going back to the Bus and returning quickly with a first aid kit.

"We can't heal him here, Stanley! I don't even know how to cast a proper healing charm on a cut, how can you expect me to heal broken bones?" Tom said hurriedly. He wasn't sure the kid even had broken bones but from what he saw that was very much possible.

Stanley, who was kneeling beside the bed near the Savior, looked up breafly and than turned back to work. "Well, you can thank any God you can think of, because I had to take an apprenticeship with a healer to get my job on the Knight." the man said as he took his wand and casted a cleaning spell on the boy.

This made the damage all the more visible.

He had dark bruises all over his face, a split lip and what looked like a cut on his cheek. There were bruises around the neck that suggested that whoever did this tried to strangle him.

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