Chapter 61

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Layla's POV

"Can I use you for a project?"

"Uh, what?" I frown as Heidi fishes out a large folder from her drawer.

"I'm taking Psychology for college." She says as she opens it up.

"Oh." My eyes follow as she skims the pages.

"And I was wondering if I could use you to earn extra credits."

"For what?"

"For my project."

"I know, but what project?" I narrow my eyes and she just smiles, licking her finger as she continues to skim through the pages. "You'll see." She then pulls out a paper and I lean forward.

"Not now." She laughs. "In a couple of months."

I let out a huff. "Fine." And she pulls out an ink pen, and writes something down.

"Hey have you seen Kian, lately?" She asks, as she closes the folder and looks up at me.

"Yesterday I saw him, why?"

"I need to tell him something." She flicks her hair back, pursing her pink painted lips.

"What do you need to tell him?" I raise a brow.

"None of your biswax." She smirks and I roll my eyes.

"C'mon lets go have some lunch." She giggles, moving off her bed.

"Are my bruises covered?" I ask.

"Yup." She pops the P, as she hands me a mirror and I take in my reflections.

My lips were glossed with clear lipgloss, my eyelids with a light turquoise colour, that matched my knee length dress. And my face had no bruises and cuts show although, the stitching on my lip still showed.

"You look buff." I look up at Heidi to see her wink, and I curl my lips.


"Hey you want these?" She then turns to the bag on her bed, fishing out a load of makeup and I widen my eyes.

"I haven't used them before and I don't think I ever will, so you can keep em if you want." She looks through the bag again.

"You can have these." She throws me many packed lip glosses, which land on my lap. "These." Throws me some lipsticks and two tubes of foundation.

"Uh, Heidi I don't think I need this much of–"

"These." She throws me a mascara tube, liquid eyeliner, eyeshadow highlighter– "Okay that's enough no–"

"Trust me you'll need all these for when my party comes." She throws me lipliners. "I'm loaded with makeup anyway." She chucks me a few brushes and makeup wipes.

"I don't even know how to wear makeup properly." I frown.

"Relax, no one knows how to do makeup at first, it takes practice, by a few weeks I guarantee you'll know how to do it without even using a mirror." She looks at me winking. "Just like me."

"Okay." I begin to gather up the makeup.

"Here, put them in this." She chucks me a Zoella makeup bag.

"Oh." I pick it up, running my finger against the glitter.

"I got lots more makeup, ever need any just come to me, babe." She says as I put the makeup in the bag.

"Killian." I wander into his room.

"Hey, love." He gives me a smile, leaning his back against the headboard of his bed.

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