Chapter 85

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Killian's POV

As I stare down at Layla who lay above her grandma's grave screaming out words while crying and sobbing her eyes out I knew this was a bad idea.

A terrible idea.

"Please, grandma." She sobs out. "I want to see you again."

When I see her hands begin to dig into the soil, I finally step forward.

"Don't do that." I bend down, as her hands dig deeper.

"I want to see her." She sobs again, looking on the verge of passing out.

"Get up, I'm taking you home." I pull her fist out of the ground, trying to pull her up

"No." She wrenches her arm away, glaring at me as she falls back. Her head merely touching the grave stone.

Her eyes fall shut for a moment, as she takes a deep breath of the air, her breath hitching.

"Dad and Luise had sold me." She whispers, as she rolls onto the side, her eyes looking down at the soil where her grandma was buried deep inside.

I tense up from her words and release an awkward cough.

"I didn't know until I was kidnapped." She says. "How can they stoop so low like that, over money?" She shakes her head, her hair now covered in soil.


"I guess it was for the best I guess." She repeats some words, obviously too drunk to realise.

"They never liked me anyway. I couldn't imagine if I was still living in that rubbish family, I'd probably go insane." She laughs emptily.

"As if I'm not already."

She goes back onto her back, placing her hands over her stomach as her grey eyes look up at the sky, tears shining in them.

After a couple of moments she releases another sob.

"I just miss you so much grandma." She says, then hiccups. "I wish I could just.." She grits her teeth as her fists dig into the soil again. "Join–"

"Love" I sigh, as I shuffle closer to her until I'm looking down at her face. I gently pull her hands out of the ground again, as I entwine our fingers together.

She turns her head my way, her eyes staring at our hands before she looks up at me, blinking a couple of time to clear her vision.

"You're grandmother was a wonderful person, she wouldn't want to see you like this." I say softly, running my thumb along her knuckles her eyes drift down to her hands again, before she looks up at the sky, her lips trembling.

"I miss her." She whimpers, a tear trickling down her cheek.

"She was my only family who actually cared. She was the one who was always there for me before anyone else." She begins to sobs again.

"Shh, its fine." I try to calm her down as I brush my fingers against her cheeks.

"We didn't even say goodbye. I didn't even go to her funeral." She continues to say.

"She needed me but I wasn't there for her. She told me she was lonely." She shoves her fist into her mouth as she cries silently, her voice laced with guilt and so much pain.

"It isn't your fault, sweetheart." I say softly, trying to calm her down, as I push her hair back and away from her face. "I'm sure she would agree. She can probably even hear you right now, you know."

"She may no longer be alive but her soul is still awake. Do you think she would be happy seeing you put yourself down like this over something you couldn't control?" I ask, as I begin to lay myself beside her, pulling her closer to me.

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