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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. Also, please note that the following material is emotionally dark, so please read with caution.


(E/c) orbs stared over the chilled hand as the line went flat. Crystalline tears dripped onto the tiles, and glass-like fingers soon covered the watery source.

The conversation with Edmund had taken an unexpected turn since they hadn't discussed at all what had been troubling her for so long. Rather, they had conversed over the magazine more and the various paintings within it. She, though, always had found that one painting to be the most spectacular. Their meeting had become one that had been lighthearted and peaceful.

She had left the McDonald's feeling refreshed and a bit better about things. Edmund had seemed to enjoy their time together too, and she wondered if he would join her at her table next time at Bread and Books. (F/n) wouldn't mind that in the slightest. They wouldn't be able to talk like they had done that day, but they could chat quietly here and there. A smile touched her lips at the thought.

Early next morning, however, she heard her phone ringing. She shifted in her sleep and grumbled a bit at the noise, but it persisted. Irritated, she blinked open her eyes tiredly. Her (h/c) locks were in disarray, and the left strap on her olive green nightgown was slipped off of her shoulder.

Sitting up, she yawned and fixed the strap before she reached over to her phone. Instantly, her eyes widened at the number. Her orbs checked the time and noted that it was four in the morning. A pit in her stomach formed. She answered and hurriedly asked, "What happened?! Is he okay?!"

Hesitation was on the other line before the nurse finally responded, "Ms. (l/n), he's in critical condition ..." Immediately, (f/n) hung up and raced out of bed. She didn't even bother changing out of her nightgown. The woman threw on a red coat and buttoned it hurriedly before she slipped on black pumps and rushed out of the apartment.

On the drive there, she didn't care that she was going twenty over the speed limit. All that mattered was getting to the hospital. Thankfully, she never got caught. Otherwise, she might've lost it. She slammed on her breaks in the parking lot and threw open the car door. Quickly, she locked it and sped off towards her boyfriend.

People gave her looks on the way, but she didn't care one bit. To her, everyone was but a mannequin that needed to be pushed out of her path. She didn't have to shove past anyone, though, because they understood the expression on her face and how she presently carried herself. It was easy to tell that she had received dreadful news.

Standing in front of forty-four, she saw the door wide open. A doctor and multiple nurses were in the room. She heard the word clear and saw Reginald's body jolt up a bit. Things remained in the red. (F/n) stood by the doorway and felt the world melt away from her. "We're losing him!" Her heart seemed to stop, and her head felt dizzy. Clear. The beeping sound in the room faded, and her legs steadily carried her into the room.

Noticing her, the doctor looked over, and his eyes held sympathy. She barely glanced at him. (F/n) stopped close to Reginald's bed. Droplets splashed onto the tile, but she didn't note the sound. Rather, she kept hearing clear over and over again. The woman was so distant from the world that she didn't notice the nurse Gina cry and leave the room.

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