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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Cherished music played in the background, but the notes began to decrease their pace. The music became warped, and ears listened to dreadful words as venom infected veins.

"How had you known him from before?" (F/n)'s voice was only above a whisper. Each of her words felt like they were stealing all of the water from her body. Her mind swirled with negative possibilities, and her stomach only was feeling sicker.

Hesitation was clear across Gina's face. "... Well ..." Her pink lips parted, but nothing more exited them. They closed before they opened again. The action reminded the younger woman of a fish but only if that fish was the most awful being in the world.

"Just tell me." (F/n)'s tone was firm and demanding. A threat was laced behind it, but the younger woman appeared immensely sick regardless. Despite Gina being a nurse, she gave no motion to helping her younger passenger.

"..." The silence increased the impatience of (f/n). Her hands became fists around her skirt before she leaned over to the radio and turned off the song. She couldn't take it anymore. Both of her (e/c) orbs remained fixed on the nurse. Almost, the younger could see sweat forming on the nurse's brow. When she still didn't answer, (f/n) lost it and slammed her hands down on the dash. Gina jumped in her chair before she slammed on the breaks and took the car to the side of the road. Someone honked, but neither of them bothered with that individual. They only saw a car speed past, but even that soon faded from their minds.

"Tell me." (F/n) faced Gina fully. Her hands tightened around her skirt again. "How had you known him before the hospital?" The younger stressed every word, every syllable. She appeared ready to pounce on the older woman if she was met with the quiet again.

Gina shut off the car and slid her hands onto her lap. She leaned back against the driver's seat and released a lengthy, worried sigh. Momentarily, she shut her brown eyes. "We had met at a small sandwich place." Her eyes opened, and her gaze stared to the road ahead. "We had bumped into each other and had started talking afterwards. A real cliché moment." A slight laugh parted from her lips, but (f/n) didn't emit a sound. "We just had started meeting each other after that more and more. We had seemed to click so well. We ..."

"I don't care." Gina glanced over to her passenger, and she visibly scooted closer to the car door. A heavy frown was painted on the younger's lips. Her (e/c) eyes were downcast, and she looked like a mannequin ready to come to life and strike. "Just answer this." The younger's next words parted from her in a cold, calculated manner. "Had he been cheating on me with you?"

It felt as though all of the air in her lungs evaporated. Gina choked on her words, and she couldn't meet (f/n)'s gaze. "How far?" The nurse carefully peered to her passenger in confusion. "How far had you two gone?" the younger repeated, her voice sounding like a volcano ready to erupt.

Rubbing her hands together, Gina felt a bead of sweat roll down the left side of her face. Her teeth bit the inside of her lower lip since she didn't wish to ruin her lipstick. "Tell me!" The nurse leaped up and groaned when she hit the back of her head on her headrest. (F/n)'s orbs now were pinned onto her. They burned with loathing and despair.

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