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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Light shone from the space, but it didn't touch the darkness where she was. She stole a glance before heat rushed to her cheeks, and she covered her eyes once more.

Curled up on the large, plush couch, she pressed the cap to her lips absentmindedly. Her eyes stared forward to the television, which wasn't even on. Edmund was upstairs and taking a shower. She could leave and lock herself up in her apartment for awhile. There was enough food in her fridge, but he had told her that she could trust him like before. How she wanted too, but a nagging feeling invaded her mind and tickled her stomach dreadfully.

She had nodded her head to his statement, though, reluctantly. Her thumbs rubbed against the plastic as her thoughts further consumed her. He should've mentioned his apartment's location sooner even if she had reacted poorly. Maybe, she wouldn't be in his apartment presently. Perhaps, she would've parted ways from him and dealt with all of that drama from ex by herself. (F/n) didn't know. Those possibilities were gone now.

Again, all she had to do was exit through the front door, take the elevator down, leave, cross the street, enter her apartment and lock the door. It didn't consist of a few steps, but it was simple enough. Or, she'd like to think that. Since Edmund hadn't detailed his home location earlier on, she found that she couldn't. She just couldn't leave him. He had stolen her heart, and it was too tightly in his grasp for her to retrieve it back.

(F/n) moved the bottle slightly away from her. Her eyes shifted from the blank television to the curtains. Slowly, she got to her feet. The bottle dropped from her hands and onto one of the couch's cushions. Both of her feet carried her over to the drapes, and she slipped them back some. Across the street, her apartment remained.

Almost, she chuckled. It moving locations was a silly thought, but it did look far away. The street transformed into a massive river, and the asphalt morphed into roaring waves. She shook her head a little before she leaned her forehead against the glass. If she was so worried, she should leave; she could ... she could ... she ... No.

A barely audible sigh parted from her. Her emotions were in constant conflict, but doubt was losing horrendously. Still, it struggled on. (F/n) shifted her (e/c) orbs to the stairs. Barely, she could hear the water running. He hadn't asked her to remain on the first floor. Suddenly, doubt discovered an opening.

Quietly, yet swiftly, she progressed up the stairs. She could check around his bedroom. It was a clear indicator that she didn't trust him entirely, but he was in the shower. And, he hadn't requested that she stay out of his room.

At the top of the steps, she made a left turn. Light came from under the farthest door down the hallway. Water sounded. Good. His bedroom door was shut, which was a nuisance. She made her way over, and her hands rested on the knob carefully. Delicately, she turned it and pushed in. The door didn't squeak. That was a severe relief.

Entering the room, she closed the door softly behind her. Dull evening light drifted in through the window across from her and barely illuminated the space. She could make out the furniture in the room, however, but it was sparse. He only had a bed and nightstand, yet the room could fit so much more in it. There was a closet, which could prove very valuable to her investigation. First, though, she would check the easy places.

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