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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Dark green plastic twirled between fingertips as a separated silk petal drifted to the floor. Delicate fingers lifted it from the ground, but the petal was soon to be replaced by a full blossom.

Leaning against the shelf to her right, Edmund stood. His arms were crossed over his chest, and she noted the worried look in his eyes. "The meeting's over?" she questioned quietly as her attention drifted back to the many beads. Footsteps hit her ears again, and he was soon beside her.

"Yes." His hand glided over a few of the beads before they stopped on a row of hot pink flowers.

She raised a brow, not expecting him to admire those. "You like those?" Skepticism ruled her voice, and she sounded somewhat rude, but a chuckle reaching her ears told her not to be concerned about that.

His hand slipped from them, and he shook his head. "No, I don't. Someone else might. There are a few gone from this row after all." He slipped his fingers back along the row, and he probably was counting them in his head. "Ah!" Despite his slightly raised voice, it maintained its low qualities and reminded her of soothing warm milk. "There are three missing."

They shared a glance. Before she knew what she was doing, she was covering her mouth with her right hand and laughing quietly. She comprehended that he had overreacted on purpose, but she was appreciating his efforts to cheer her up.

A pleased smile fell upon his lips before he faced her fully. "Good distraction?" he asked even though there was a prideful and knowing smile on his lips. She stared up at him, and her lips twitched up into a tiny smile. Instead of giving him a verbal answer, though, she closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around him securely.

"Should I make another one?" His tone was teasing, but there was an undeniable softness to it also. His arms held onto her as he heard a light chuckle leave her. The distraction had worked better than he had anticipated, but he could feel the effects start to ebb away. Her shoulders sagged, and her hands slipped down his back a little as though she was melting against him and not in the pleasurable way.

"(F/n), what had happened?" His hands moved to her upper arms, and he held her at a slight distance. A frown was once again on her stunning, velvet lips, and it displeased him immensely. Her smiles complimented her so much more when directed at him. Her eyes were downturned as though she was ashamed of what she was about to admit. He already knew that no blame was to be put onto her.

No, the fault belonged to those two. He forced back a smirk and laugh. And, one of them was dead. The other ... Well, she wouldn't be let off the hook, especially with how his lovely treasure was acting.

Her fingers intertwined in front of her, and no words left her. If anything, she looked to be a perfect statue of silence. Gently, he removed his hands from her before his right fingers lifted up her chin. "(F/n)?" He observed her lower lip quiver, and he noticed the tears threatening to spill again.

Glancing around, he made sure that there was no one else in the area. There were the video cameras, but he could care less about that. The cameras didn't have audio. He focused back on her, and her eyes were directly on his. His heart felt a painful tug at her glassy eyes and ripped apart expression.

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