the question

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The question I have for life is just one simple 5 worded sentence with an infinite sense of questioning wisdom, age, death, life, pain, love, success and everything included living in this expansive, multivariable universe. I question life constantly spitting out these 5 words, As if they leave a bitter taste in my mouth. The answer undoubtedly gets Infinitely farther away and unthinkable every time I pollute the silence. The universe responds with harsh dignity repulsed by my disrespect and throws me another curve ball. Distorting my path and my ease to success. My envy grows stronger for others who have not yet seen the twisted personality at the core of it all, and barely to none asks the universe for it's unjust justification. I curse when I can no longer take it and the 5 slips my mouth. Shattering the fragile stability I walk on. It was a thin string of glass, that I could none the less only walk flat footed on. Cracks weakening the hold keeping me from falling within a large pit of agony. Hoping at some point at the end of this translucent nightmare there will be nothing but hard solidity. Long stretches of Gray concrete slabs bolted together. I would lay there forever at peace while right now I can hardly squat to rest. But until then. When I come to the end of this. My imperfect mind will forever ask, what is it all for?

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