To David

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It's not just that. It's not whether it's fine or okay. You are your own person and in relationships you make sacrifices for each other and you know you also support each other in ways others can't. You build your partner and you grow together. A tree thrives not only because of what the earth gives the tree. It thrives because it spreads it's roots and clutches so that it can nurture itself and give back to the earth. You give in a relationship but you also expand your roots. You gain strength and support when you reach out. A tree can't survive if it just sat up above the soil. It needs to be imbedded in. You can't issolate yourself (yourselves, if you desire it that way) you have to both have your roots and other ground support. Grow. Don't be constrained. What I am saying is don't loose yourself in giving her your entire well being. But have a healthy amount of your choices in with hers. It's okay to make sacrifices for her. But it is NOT okay to throw away your life and the people around you for her. You are your own person. You are your own tree.

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