Chapter 22

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It's Friday, Yeay! Finally another weekend comes around and tonight is gonna be girls night. Well, technically it's just me and Becca but it' okay.

Right now, I'm cleaning my room and mostly my walk in closet. Theres a lot of clothes, jeans, skirts and also dresses, much of dresses and jumpsuit. I choose which clothes that I want to keep and which one go to good will box. Well, I could be a nice person sometimes.

"Knock, Knock...Whoa! Look whose cleaning her room!"

I look at Ian and rolled my eyes. It's rare to see him come home early but we're not really spending our time together that much since he start on the company.

"Huft...I never know that I own a hella lot of dresses and clothes."I said to him and put back all the clothes that I still want to keep back on my walk in closet.

Ian is laughing now,"That's what girls always say and then the next thing I know, you guys will say that you don't have anything to wear."

"That's our logic, Ian. So, what's up? You are never coming home early." I asked him.

"I have a date and a weekend escape with Irene. I need to take shower packing and running away to Hampton for our anniversary weekend."

I raised my eyebrow, "Whoa, that's a nice of you bringing her to Hampton."I told him and put all the clothes that I want to give to charity into the box.

"How is Clyde?" asked Ian this time. I look at him,"Uhm...good, I think?" I replied and Ian shook his head.

"You guys will be living together in no time but you woman sounds like don't know anything about him."

I nodded my head, "I don't know him indeed but we are trying here."

"It's only him who is trying but you...I don't see that you are trying." Ian said.

"You don't have to see it."I told him again.

I heard Ian who exhales his breath, "I know I don't have any rights to talk but Willow, I do see him trying and I think you need to start to try too, harder than now, before everything gone or before someone else comes into your relationship with Clyde. He is a good guy." Said Ian this time while he pats my head.

I don't say anything to reply what Ian said. I try to put that problem on the back of my head until I'm ready to face it but not now. Ian is standing up from my bed and about to get out from my room when my mouth decide to talk.

"I'm.....God...Ian, I am scared. What if I let him get into my life, he only gonna walk out from it and spare me nothing?" I asked him and I sit on my bed now.

Ian now comes to me and kneel in front of me, "You never really know that you love someone until you see them walk out from your life. It is scary, Willow. It is but you can prevent that. You are stronger than you thought and I think Clyde won't walking out from you once you let him in." said Ian and he smile at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, confuse.

"Those eyes...He got the same eyes just when I looking to Irene's eyes. You won't understand it but that's the truth." Replied Ian and this time he leave me on my room alone.



My bedroom door gets opened and hit the wall behind it when Becca decide to act dramatic to get inside my bedroom. I'm screaming like I saw a murderer until Sky comes to my bedroom with our dad's golf stick. "WHERE IS THE THIEF!?" he shouts.

Becca rolled her eyes, "I know why you both are a twin." She said and put her overnight bag then sitting on my bed calmly.

I took my pillow and hits Becca with it while Sky folds his hands on his chest. "You are the weirdest human being!" Sky shouts at Becca and getting out from my bedroom after he took our dad's gold stick from the floor.

"You just over react, Willow."

"Yeah tell me who is not gonna react like me when someone just break into their room in the middle of the night!"

"It's only seven..." said Becca and took the magazine that I'm reading before she came.

"So, dinner?" I asked her and Becca give me her broad smile while I'm looking out for Sky to ask him to have dinner together with us.

Well, my parents happen to go to Tokyo and Ian just like what he said going to Hampton and here we are, me and Sky staying like a good kids we are on our home.


My voice got stuck when I see Clyde, shirtless with his hair which is still wet from the shower and only wearing a sweat pants, standing with his iphone on his hand and he smile at me.

I don't know that he is here. Is that meant when I'm talking to Ian, he is already in here?

"Hey babe..." said Clyde and he approach me and the next thing he does is kissing me on my lips.

It's just a peck you silly girl.



"Hi...Uhm, I don't know that you are here?" I asked him back.

"Guys night. I just arrive when Ian about to go somewhere. "he said.

I nod my head,"Yeah he kind of bringing Irene to Hampton for their anniversary." I told him.


Me and Clyde look at Sky who now looking at Clyde's hands which is still on my waist. I screamed because I'm shock and that makes Clyde's hand falling out from my waist and Clyde now rolled his eyes.

"Don't do those romantic things in front of me. I'm sick with it! That's my twin sister!" whined Sky.

I only shook my head, "I'm about to buy a dinner, what do you want? Becca is here by the way." I said to Clyde.

"Uhm...Mexican food?" asked Clyde

"No, Chinese is way more better...." Said Sky.

"Then Vietnam noodle it is." I said and when I'm about to get out from there, Clyde wraps his arms on my waist and pulling me into him, so my back is on his chest.

Oh what a muscle he has there.

Shut. Up.

"Vietnam noodle? It's far from Mexican food, babe." He whispers on my ear.

I rolled my eyes,"Chinese food then." I said.

The next thing I know, I saw Sky hit Clyde's head with this towel.

"WHY.YOU.HUGGING.MY.TWIN.SISTER! DID.I.TELL.YOU.NOT.TO.HUG.HER.IN.FRON.OF.ME." he shouts and Clyde now taking the towel from Sky and hit Sky back.

"That's hurt you moron! Your sister is my fiancée for god sake!" he shouts at Sky and I rolled my eyes.


"I'll let you know if the food is here." I said to them and close Sky's bedroom door.

Will they ever stop act like a child?


Chapter 22 fresh from the oven!

I just done this chapter on my laptop and post it in here, so that's mean I haven't checked this chapter from any errors 😅

I will do another update tomorrow and I hope you guys will waiting for the new chapter patiently.

Also, I never stop to said THANK YOU for everyone who still read my story! 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ THANK YOU SO MUCH! I love you! 😘❤️

Please don't forget to comment, vote, and share!

Until then bubbye 👋👋👋

M.F 😘😘😘

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