Chapter 37

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👆🏻Girls 💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️

I locked my car and for a while I stood in the parking lot hoping that I would see Clyde's car coming or maybe already in here but I found nothing. I never come to here since I have my fight with Clyde, hell, even I don't know the furniture Ian choose for this place.

I  keep looking to outside when I'm in lift hoping that I would see Clyde somewhere down there but every time I see a different person, my heart will sunk in.

The sound from the lift waking me up from my day dream and I take my keys to open the door.
One thing that comes to my mind is....Someone is here because the door to our terrace is open.

Oh God it's not the right time to have some thief in here. Why you keep my life so miserable?

I walk into my condo slowly hoping that the bastard won't listen to my step. If I die tonight then I won't rest in peace because I still have one job to make things right with Clyde.

If I die how can I make things right? Clyde won't listen to me, he can't listen to me, he can't see me! Oh My God!!

Could you be more realistic? I never know you could be this freak.

I am panic and hopeless, okay?

I look at the terrace for a minute before I decide to go out. When I already outside, I look around the terrace until my eyes got someone who sit on the right side of the terrace, that person sit alone with a cigarette on his hand and looking at the sky blankly.

That's Clyde!


I walk toward him but he doesn't move.

Can't he hear my step?

I took a sit beside him and put my head on his shoulder. I could feel his body get stiffed but after that he start to relax. He is keep smoking while I'm here until I've had enough and take his cigarette from his mouth. He is snapping his head to look at me as I take a drag from this cigarette before put it under my shoes and step on it.

"Are you real?" asked Clyde this time and I nodded my head and smile at him.

The next minute, Clyde is hugging me so tight, like he is afraid that I might leave him again and I could feel he is crying on my shoulder.

Oh God, Thank you.

I keep hugging him until I feel him relax and after that I take a look on his face. He looked like a shit and I feel bad about it.

"I'm so sorry; I fuck things up, babe. Please forgive me. I would never use you...Hell, at first I think that maybe I am using you but it's not. I'm agreed to marry you because I love you. I love you with all my heart." He said to me while he holds my face.

I can't hold my tears anymore and I nod my head. "No, Clyde it's me who should apologize. I let Meghan play with my mind and I don't have enough faith on you. I'm the one who must get to blame on this, not you. I am so sorry, so fucking sorry." I said to him but Clyde shook his head.

"It is my fault, Willow. I will do anything to make it right even if it's took my whole life, I will do it for you." He said to me and I only could kiss Clyde's lips.

He kissed me back and pulling me towards him. I never feeling this kind of feeling before, It's more than having those butterflies on your stomach or a fireworks like the fourth of July...It's more like both of it. You combined them and that is what I feel.

After the kiss, Clyde put his forehead on mine and I can't help but smile at him. I'm so fucking in love with this man and I won't let anything ever going between us anymore. This is a lesson for us to have a faith on each other and don't ever believe other said about us.

"I love you, Willow."Clyde said to me then he kisses me once again.

I tighten my hug on his body, "And I love you more, Clyde." I said to him confidently.

"That's the best thing that I ever heard so far."

"Oh, yeah?" I asked him with smile on my face and Clyde nod his head.

"Yeah." He said and hugging me back.

We spend our time to looking at the stars while Clyde pampering me with kisses on my neck. I couldn't stop a moan coming out from my lips and that's enough to make Clyde continue what he is doing.

"You know what, after I'm thinking...I would rather choose you to hate me as long as I still have you, rather than knowing that I love you but I have to let you go after all of this mess we've going through. But I'm lucky enough because I don't have to choose between the both of it.  So now, you could love me or hate me...It really doesn't matter, as long as I still have you in my arms."

"You prefer me to hate you then?"

"If that's mean I would have you in my arms for the rest of my life, then yes because I know that I could make you to learn to love me."

"How cheesy you are, Clyde." I said to him.

"It's all for you babe. Only you." he said softly on my ear before he kisses me again.

Our kiss start with something that sweet but in a minute it turns into something like a tiger craving over a fresh meat and turns into a full make out session. I don't want this to stop, I never want. If I could keep being like this with Clyde then I would do it in a heartbeat.

I love him and he loves me there is no doubt between us.

"Tell me to stop if don't want this to get too far." Whisper Clyde.

I shake my head no and keep kissing him, "No, don't stop. Take me, Clyde. I'm all yours." I said to him.

"And I'm yours too, babe." He said to me before taking me to our bedroom.

Well guys you know the rest, right? ;)


Chapter 37 for your weekend guys 😝

Finally Clyde and Willow is getting back together 💃🏻💃🏻

I will update again tomorrow!
Until then bubbye 👋👋👋

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M.F 😘😘😘

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