Chapter 1

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Sparks in the sky lit the dark night. It had been the biggest event of so far this year but the year was still new. Electric colors lit Felicity's features in brilliant neons as she lit the next explosive.

Her white tank top was splashed with colors. "Light the next row!" She shouted as she raced toward her own next set of igniters.

The show was almost over. There nearly five thousand people down in the park below. She couldn't see their faces but she could hear their cheers with her most amazing creations yet.

The last of the shells exploded causing the deafening decibels signaling the ending of the spring celebration. Felicity stood up wiping a bead of sweat from her face.

"Great show Feli! Why don't you head home and I will make sure the guys get this place cleaned up." Felicity nodded.

"Yeah." She yawned, a long night of tear down was not what she looked forward to after such a large show. "I guess. Don't forget the blocks out there." She pointed off toward the show starter blocks at the far end of the field.

"No problem." We got it covered." Felicity dragged herself across the field to her pickup and slid inside. The hotel was just down the hill in town and the thirty minute drive was going to feel like a lifetime!

When Felicity finally pulled into the parking lot, her brain was dead and she was half dazed half frazzled. She really didn't know which was up and which was down.

"Miss Grace. You are in late. Can I get you anything?" The receptionist asked.

"No thank you. I'm dead tired." She murmured. "I will be hitting the hay."

"See you tomorrow then madam." He nodded.

Felicity wandered up to the elevator and pressed the button for up. The elevator dinged. Felicity stepped inside the elevator and as soon as she was inside, she pressed the floor button and her back hit the wall as she slid to the floor.

The slow elevator crawled up its shaft until it reached her floor with another ding. Felicity crawled her way out of the elevator then down the hall toward her hotel room.

Slinking inside the hotel room, Felicity stripped as she walked. Close the door, flip the lock, shoe here sock there... another shoe over there... and within no time Felicity was in a top and underwear only.

Two seconds later, she flopped on to the bed and was out like a light.

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