Chapter 2

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The next morning Felicity headed to meet up with the crew at the hotel breakfast bar. Mathis, Toliver, Gina, and Ryan were there filling their plates, over engorging in waffles, eggs, bacon, and ham as they made their way to a table. She scoffed. Of the whole crew, she was by far the lightest eater. She snatched up a yogurt before following them to sit down.

"Hey guys. Everything all packed up?" Felicity questioned before scooping a spoonful of yogurt.

"Everything is all set, boss lady," Ryan saluted.

"Great. Our next event is in Raleigh. We need to be there by the weekend." Felicity said checking her phone for the calendar. The weekend event would be just far enough away for the crew to get back to the warehouse, load up the fireworks they had made, and hit the road again. It would give them two days to set up. Thursday and Friday.

"Isn't that a bit soon?" Mathis gulped. He was always the one to worry about timing. Always figuring the crew didn't have enough of it.

"No." Felicity shook her head as she pushed the last spoonful of yogurt into her mouth. She pushed her chair back. "We have just enough time. Now we need to hit the road in twenty. Do you guys have your bags packed?"

She walked toward the trash and set her spoon in the wash basin. "Come on we need to get a move on!" She snapped.

Everyone shoveled extra bites into their mouths as they stood and tossed their remaining food. Felicity was not known for her waiting around! They had to be down and in the vehicles ready to go before she had her twenty minutes up, or they were likely to be replaced! And to be replaced by Felicity Grace at Grace Pyrotechnics was not something anyone wished for! It was a very lucrative and very well paying position!

"Your old man was a lot easier on use you know..." Toliver mumbled but Felicity caught it.

Her face contorted, "and look where the lax business policies got him! Six feet under!" She turned on her heels of her black and hot pink Nike's storming away.

"Low blow dude. Low blow."

Toliver rolled his eyes. Someone needed to say it. He just wished it wouldn't have been him. Henry Grace has been an amazing man after all and Felicity Grace was sometimes a down right tyrant!

Felicity dragged her luggage to her truck and checked in her key. Then she hoped in her pickup and took off.

She was too angry to wait around for the crew. She would get back and facilitate the packing of the right explosives for the Raleigh even. By the time the crew got there, she would be ready to leave. She could begin setup in Raleigh on her own if she needed.

The drive back to Nash was lonely but that is what Felicity has her music for. The crew had called her multiple times and yet she simply ignored them, only sending back an 'I will meet you there' text.

The Nash warehouse was filled with workers creating the lower end fireworks for everyday consumers when Felicity pulled up.

"Hey Miss Grace. Gina has requested home time with her husband. Can we work someone else into her spot for  a while?" Her human resource manager asked as she walked up.

"Damn Gina. I mean seriously! Can't we get a good solid three months without home time?!"

The human resource manager shook her head slightly. "Everyone needs family time some time, Miss Grace. What about when you find a man and start a family?"

Felicity scoffed. "Felicity will never settle. Hell, I bet she won't even sleep with a man." She scoffed again. What did the second crew manager, Jason, know anyway?! "To much on the run. Always in a hurry . To strict and scheduled, to scoot in a little play time!" He laughed.


Felicity  just am not comfortable with men. Not after what happened with Maverick. She could never replace him! She had to honor him!

Maverick had been her life. At such a young age, Felicity and Maverick has vowed themselves to each other. They were engaged for six months before the accident happened... Felicity shook her head, whipping the thoughts clear before the tears came.

"I'm sure someone will break that stone wall eventually. Hell... if I wasn't married..." Felicity's eyes sprung open as she turned and stormed away.

She mumbled, "Get the trailer packed up."

The two men had found Felicity in her office going over paperwork when they were done packing up the trailer. "Miss Grace. We are done and you are all packed for the Raleigh show."

"About time. Thank you. I'll see you all in another few days. Remember we have the huge show coming up on the 4th of July. So there is never down time!" She waved over her shoulder as she headed to her truck.

Felicity has lived out of hotel rooms since she could remember. When her father was around, he did the shows and she traveled with him. At the young age of twelve she was mixing her own explosives and stars to create the ultimate kids fantasy with fireworks.

The pair use to travel the world together. Normal and smaller shows here in the U.S. but in his last years of travel Henry had broke into the foreign markets. When he passed Felicity jumped right in to Henry's roll, never skipping a beat for even the slightest time to grieve. When the accident with Maverick happened her father had tried to convince her, she would be alright, life would go on. But the death of both, was more than she could handle and therefore she had shut out the entire world.

Felicity hoped in the truck and took off toward her next show. If only her slow moving crew would make their way in time to help her set up there as well.

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