Chapter 8 Mint

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After hours of endless tests and a lot more needles , we were finally finished. 

I dressed back into my normal clothes and was about to do a happy dance that I was finished when Mr Perfect just had to burst my bubble. 

"So , I see you're dressed. "

"Like duh ! Way to state the obvious. There was no way that I was staying in that dirty gown for another minute. " I said , slipping my sneakers back on .

"Yeah well , you might want to undress again Andy. "

"Whyyyyyy? " I whined like a little girl . "I thought we were done . "

"We are . But you have to change into your government provided Breedress."

"Breedress ? What's that , a dress for breeders?  " I said , laughing at my own joke.  Even at the worst of times , I still managed to make jokes.

When I noticed he hadn't joined me like before , I take a glance back at him , seeing him look serious .

"Yeah . It is . This is not a joke Andy.  I know we joked around and everything but this is serious.  You have no idea what's lying ahead of you once we get your results back . "

"Yeah , but that's not for a while . Right ? "

I watched as he shifted on his feet , trying to find the right words to say , though I'm guessing none came to mind .

"Actually , I already have them . " he then lifted his hand showing me the big yellow envelope in his hand .

Man that was fast . Who knew you could get test results back so fast ?

"Um , okay . So what happens now ? " I asked uncomfortably and quite frankly, a little scared.

He didn't answer me . Instead he opened the envelope and took out the paper .

I watched as his eyes scanned through the information and eventually met mine .

I watched him , waiting for an answer but all that came was him .

"Breeder 478 has a high immune system and a healthy overall health of 89%. Her weight -although considerably low- is efficient to her height considering the circumstance.  No additional sickness or diseases are accounted for and detected . No further tests needed . " I listened him repeat in a strong and powerful tone . As if Evan left the room when we finished the tests and the Soldier re-entered .

"Okay , so what does this mean ? "

"I haven't gotten to the actual important part yet . "

"What do you mean , 'important part?  ' what can be more important than me being completely healthy ? "

Then he said the word I was dreading to hear since I was pinned down in the woods and brought here .

"Fertility. "

I never thought much of my fertility . Just that it's something to add to my monthly 'visits ' . Nothing I really took notice of . I mean sure I knew what it meant and the role it played and how important it was . But now , more than ever I hoped I wasn't .

I mean , if I wasn't I could go right ?

I gulped as I nod my head for him to continue.  I watched as he turned the page and doing the same as with the first one. 

He read it . Made eye contact with me . But then something else happend .

He looked at me with pity and sadness . Almost as if he just read I was dying or something .

"It says ; Breeder 478 has a high fertility count and can be immediatly escorted to the Green zone . Immediate tests can be run to ensure fertilization as soon as possible. No contact with anyone of any sort until fertilization is confirmed. Extraction of cells is to be done promptly and frozen at once .  No further tests required. "

He looked back up at me with that same look , as if he knew something I didn't.  Which , he clearly did , cause I have absolutely no idea what the heck he was saying.  I was NO doctor .

"Okay,  clear this up for me cause I have no idea what any of that means . "

"It means you're extremely fertile Andy . So much that you don't need any of the further mandatory tests.  You're going straight to the fertilization step . They need to freeze as much of your eggs as they can and get you pregnant ASAP . This is never a good thing when someone skips steps . "

"Okay. So what do I do ? I don't want to stay here . Help me get out of here. Please Evan , I'm begging you . Don't let them do this to me . "

"Andy,  you know I can't do that . No matter how much I want to help you escape , I can't.  I won't be just signing your death certificate,  but mine too . "

"Evan , please !" I was practically crying right about now . Begging for his help.  But I guess being in this job has made him immune to tears and petty cries for help .

I wiped my tears with my sleeve as I watched him sigh and then hand me a mint green dress .

"I can't help you escape Andy . But I can make sure that your first go around is bearable.  With someone decent and not a complete reject . "

I said nothing back in return and put on the green dress . It was soft and surprisingly clean . It hugged my body perfectly in all the right places . I then slipped on some white high heels that was given to me , before being directed to the connecting room where they washed my hair and did it in a fancy side bun .

Moments later I was taken back into the room seeing Evan waiting for me.

I followed him to the door , as he turned around  .

"Andy , this is going to be tough , but I know you can handle it . I don't know when I'll see you again but I'll try my best to get involved in your case . For the mean time,  stay in order and don't do anything stupid.  Please,  I'm begging you . Don't make me do somehing I'll regret later . " he said pleading .

I knew he meant every word and that I had to stay in my lane , I didn't want to cause trouble for him . Because even though I've been nothing but bitter and cold , he's been nice and kind to me . Much unlike what I would expected a soldier to be .

"Okay . "

"Good. Now , when we get out here I'll need to handle you rough and act very coldly . Don't worry it's all for show . But I need you to call me Sir when I address you. I hate to do this Andy . But it's the only choice we have if we want to make it in here . "

"Yes Sir . " I said in a formal tone like nothing has changed. 

I watched as he eyed me wearingly and then turned the knob,  opening the door to a whole different world then what I was used to .

I'm back and better than ever! Where my welcome party at ? I'm near the end of my Finals and I finished my other book Familiar Stranger  ( be sure to check it out 😉) so all my attention is back on writing this book and providing an awesome story to you all . So let me know what your thoughts are so far down below ❤❤

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