Chapter 22 Call

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Words couldn't describe what was going through my head right now.

My thoughts were being clouded by fear and anxiety, not only for myself but for Piper. 

When I got back to my room after our session,  Emma came rushing in with a concerned look.

I immediatly told her to sit down and tell me what was wrong , to which she told me that Piper had gone into labour. 

My first reaction was concern to what she might've been feeling and going through,wishing I could be there for her to hold her hand. But then my thoughts took a dangerous turn , Piper was due a few days after me , but went into labour before me. What did that mean !?

I sat down next to Emma as fear took complete control over my body . I didn't have an idea what to think or what any of this meant.

"Take a breath Andy , she'll be fine." Emma said as I did as I was told , calming myself and clearing my thoughts. 

"Thanks." I said with a smile

"I can take you to see her tommorow if you'd like? "

"That's very kind of you Em , but I don't want you to risk your job for me. And besides tommorow it'll be all over , it'll be too late. " I trailed off .

"Okay , what if I come and get you first thing when the baby's born , you'll be the first one to know." She offered hopefully. 

I could see that she really meant well and wanted to help me help Piper , but I wasn't going to lie and say I wasn't feeling guilty that I had put her in this position that she felt obligated to help me like this.

"Thanks Em ."

"Don't mention it. Now you better rest up if you want to see that baby soon." She said with a wink as I walked her out , before getting ready for bed.

I woke up to a tap on my shoulder,  as I rolled over to my side seeing a smiling Emma looking down at me.

"Em ? What time is it ? " I asked groggily , rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"It's 4 in the morning ."

"Oh." I said as I laid back down.

"Andy , get up . " she whisperd once again.

"Why ?" I asked as I for a second forgot why Emma was standing in my room at 4 in the morning.

"Don't you want to see Piper's baby ?"

"Oh yeah . "I said as I suddenly found new energy , getting up and pulling an oversized hoodie on, making our way down to the baby hall.

"He's beautiful Pipes " I gushed as I looked down at the tiny form in my arms.

"Thanks. " she said proudly , looking down at him.

"What did you name him ? "

I watched as she took his little hand in hers , rubbing it gently with her thumb as she answerd .

"Mason Connor Williams "

"Williams ?" I asked confused since I knew for a fact that she was a Tatum and not a Williams.

"Yeah , that's what they said the father's surname was , so I had to add it. " she replied nonchalant.

"Why does that sound so familiar ?" I thought out loud.

"What do you mean ? "

"I mean I've heard it before. "

"Well , it is a common surname Andy ."

"Yeah , I know but there's something about it ..." I trailed off,  taking a seat while looking down at Mason. He had a head full of dark hair and his lips looked so familiar.

I looked over at Piper , inspecting every inch of her seeing she had full lips as where Mason had thin , peach lips .

I brought my attention back down to him , watching him intently and that's when it all clicked.

"Luke !" I exclaimed in a whisper as Emma and Piper gave me puzzled looks.

"Luke is the father Piper.  Williams. Luke Williams.  He's one of my friends,I knew I heard that surname somewhere but I couldn't quite remember where and when I saw Mason's dark hair and his other similar features to Luke's it all made sense." I said so fast as if I just cracked the biggest mystery in scooby- doo .

"So you're saying that Luke , your best friend Luke , is Mason's father ?" Piper asked slowly , not really comprehending what was going on.


" wow !" She breathed out , tangling her hands in her hair as she took the info in.

"Would you tell me about him ?" She asked hopefully as I gave a bright smile , telling her everything about Luke that I knew .

"He sounds Incredible." She exclaimed with an adoring sigh.

"He is. If it wasn't for him saving my life , I  probably would've died from hunger or some animal attack by now." I said , thinking back to the day we met . What a crazy day that was.

"I better get back to bed before I get caught . I promise I'll visit tommorow. " I said , standing up and placing Mason back into the bassinet.

"And talk about Luke some more ?"

"Why not ? " I said with a chuckle at her fondness of him , walking back to my room along with Emma.

Walking up to my door I suddenly become short of breath as I stopped to take a breather .

"You okay Andy? "

"Yeah , just , tired ."I said in between breaths as I straightened up and continued the walk , though I didn't get much further before a pain shot up my body this time.

"Ah!" I cried out in pain as I held my hand on where the stabbing sensation came from.

"Andy ?" Emma asked once again , but a little more concerned.

"I'm oka - ahhhh!" I yelled out again .

"You're not okay Andy.  Come on , let's go ." She said , putting her arm behind my back and leading me back down the hall we came.

I crouched down as another wave of pain hit me like a bowling ball to the stomach, and they said period cramps were bad . Think again.

"Andy , we have to get you out of here and with a doctor , this isn't looking too good."

"What do you mean? " I asked in between the pain as I looked up at her .

"Your water just broke."

It's then that I lookrd down at the puddle under neath me and REALLY started to panic.

"Emmaaaaaaaaa" I yelled out again as the pain got worse and closer.

"We got to move Andy. " she said while we walked down the hall as fast as I could while she pulled out her phone , calling the clinic to tell them we were on our way .

When we arrived a wheel chair was already waiting for me along with a nurse/soldier to wheel me in.

I turned around to look at Emma , standing at the door as I'm being wheeled away.

"Emma ?" 

"Yeah ?" She yelled back.

"Call Evan . I can't do this without him." I yelled before two doors separated our view of each other.

What did you think ? What does it mean !? Let me know in the comment section below . Until next time my Lovelies ❤❤❤

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