Chapter 15 Today

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Believe it or not , Alice was right. I was 2 weeks but looking like a month. It was unbelievable how fast this baby could actually grow.

Emma pops in from time to time but not as often as before since her main priority is the Breeder ward , but she tries to make time.

Evan ... he's kind of an ambivalent  situation at the moment . I don't really know how to feel about him or what to think.

He's kind of on and off with me . He pops in every now and then but never stays long , I guess it's something about having a mature conversation about our relationship in a room full of pregnant women that makes him uncomfortable or something. Because no matter how hard I tried to persue that conversation and find out  where we stood with eachother , he always found a way to avoid the conversation. It was like he was afraid of something.  Or me.

I tried not to think too much of it and mind it , but it's really starting to bother me and I needed answers.

I made my way to the Sun room , taking the book I'm currently reading - Paper towns from John Green - off the shelf opening it to Chapter 7 . It's been so long since I've read and John Green's always had my favorite books . The fault in our stars ,looking for Alaska and my all time favorite, Paper towns. I've always enjoyed reading , it made me feel peaceful and forget my busy thoughts for an hour or three.

I walked over to the window taking a seat on the bay window seat , getting comfortable and lost in the words .

This was how I've been spending most of my time these last 2 weeks . Here and well , doctor's appointments , but mostly here. I've caught up on all my favorite books and even picked up a new one or two . 

It felt like hours have passed when I set my book down and went across the room to grab a cup of tea. I drank it in satisfaction as I started to feel dizzy seeing Evan appear before my eyes.


"Evan what are you doing!?"

"It's for your own good Andy! Trust me !"

"How can I trust you if you keep walking out on me !?"

He grabbed my face roughly as a tear fell down my cheek from the pain of his harsh grip.

"You just have to !"

"But I can't!"

"Dammit Andy ! Shut up and trust me !"

He lets go of my face as I fell to the ground , scrambling into the corner as the tears started to blur my vision.

"It'll be over before you know it." He says as he walks over to me , making me wish the wall would swallow me whole already, just to get further away from him .

"Evan, please... you don't have to do this ." I tried to reason with him.

"You don't get it Andy! This is the only way! I have no other choice!"

"You always do ! Think about Mackenzie !"

"I am ! This is why I'm doing this , for her ! Don't you get it Andy ? I love her and don't want anything to happen to her , that's why I'm doing this !"

I watched as he walked closer to me - clearly feeling bad about what he's about to do - taking out his pocket knife from his jacket. 

"Evan ..."

He said nothing as he stopped inches away from me , crouching down to bring the knife closer to me . I pinched my eyes shut as a tear fell down one last time .


"No !!!!!!!" I yelled as I jerk back up and see I'm still in the window seat with my book across the table .

"Andy? Are you okay ? " Piper said as she walked over to me .

"Um , I ... I don't know "I said as I still tried to process everything. 

"Andy , you're drenched in sweat and you're shaking . Should I call a nurse ? "

"No! I mean , I'm okay thank you Piper . Just ... had a bad dream ." I said with a reassuring smile though I'm screaming on the inside. 

She nod her head and walked back to her seat as I sat up and reflected on what just happened .

What could all this mean and who the heck was Mackenzie and why did Evan love her ?

That's when all the pieces start to fall into place . This wasn't just a dream,  but meant to open my eyes to what was really going on. It has never been just me . It's never even been me at all . He has  always had and probably always will be this Mackenzie's . That's why he's been so distant and didn't want to talk about our relationship.

I had to let him go . I had to move on. I was not going to stick around anymore.  I stood up as I walked back to my room and took a long , well deserved shower .

Feeling refreshed, renewed and clean I got out and dressed before making my way back to the room.

"Andy,  hi ." Evan said as he stood up from my bed ,walking over to me , making me almost drop my hairbrush and clothes from surprise  .

"E-Evan...hi . What are you doing here ?" I asked as I stood still , keeping the distance between us .

"What do you mean 'what am I doing here ' ? I'm here to see you obviously. " he said with a smile as he walked closer closer , making me back up into the bathroom , which might not be such a good idea.

"Oh ... um , well,  I'm actually heading out to see Piper so now's not a good time ."

"Oh , well than I can join you . Piper is actually really nice so I don't mind tagging along ."

"Did I say Piper ? I mean Alice . Yeah , she's giving me some extra parenting classes . Can't be late !" I said- more like lie - as I shoved my way past him walking to the door as he stopped me, putting his hand on the door , preventing me from leaving.

"Why in such a rush ? I'd like to join . You can never be too educated and prepared for parenthood. " he said with a smile while he opened the door for me.

"I um ..."

"Why do I get the feeling you don't want me to go ? " he said as he closed the door again .

"It's not that..." I trailed off not really knowing how to get the cat out of the bag on this one.

"Did I do something?  Look , if it's because I've been so scarce lately , I've just been really busy lately and couldn't sneak out .Please don't be mad at me ."

"I have to go . " I said as I rushed passed him . I had no idea for how long I could dodge him like this . I'll have to face the music and ask him about Mackenzie. But today was not that day .

Not now atleast .

I'm not really sure how to feel about this one but I think it's a work in progress don't you?  I'd like to say thank you to all my new readers and supporters even my ghost readers 🙈 for giving this new book of mine a chance . I'm still a new writer so some feedback , theories and comments would really help me make this book better. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and as always leave me your thoughts in the comment section below . Until next time ❤❤❤❤

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