Chapter 19 To weed or not to weed

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*Ben's POV*

"And you're sure it was her ? "

"Yes Cody , I'm sure it was her. " I said with the same repeating tone like I did the last 7 times he asked me.

Just after they left I was joined by Cody and Luke . They knew I would do something stupid and end up here and probably do something more stupid since I would be alone. So they made sure I wasn't alone.

We've always been the three musketeers and being in this death hole didn't change that.

If one got into trouble , we all got into trouble. Hence why we're here.

"But are you sure sure ?"

I shoved my shovel into the ground as I turned around , facing him with an 'are you serious ' look.

"Okay, okay , I get it." He said , lifting his hands up in surrender as I directed my attention back to the weeds .

"He was just making sure Ben , we just can't believe that you actually saw her and that she was still coping. " Luke said from behind.

"Yeah well , define coping. " I muttered before turning back to them again. "You guys should've seen her . She'd managed to get more beautiful in here. And she's soooooo pregnant, not that I'm calling her fat or anything I'm just ...curious. " I shrugged as they both shared a look with eachother.

"Curious ? About what exactly? " Luke said while Cody gave me a 'spill it' look with his face

"Nothing. I'm just wondering who the father could be that's all ..." I trailed off , avoiding their gazes.

" 'that's all '? How are we supposed to believe a word you're saying if you're acting so suspicions. What did you do ? "

"Nothing . "

"Yeah right, and my middle name is Miranda. " Cody said .

"Well who knows, Cody Miranda Thompson has a nice ring to it. "

"Ben ! We're serious here. Spill it ." Luke said impatiently .

"Nothing. Seriously. I really did do nothing this time. But wouldn't it be crazy if one of us were the father? I mean I would prefer it to be me , but you guys could be great too I guess. "

They just rolled their eyes at my remark no one saying another word while we picked up where we left off , deweeding the gardens.

5 hours in and I was surprised to not having seen a single soldier to check up on us yet. This was beyond weird . But then again , knowing Evan ,he probably had them all in some meeting or something telling them about my little 'slip up' with Andy this morning.

We were told not to have any contact with a Breeder at any costs - not that it was merely possible anyway- and that it was the first and biggest rule in the Donor hall. And I guess I broke it today when I ruined his little moment today with MY Andy.

"Did you talk to her ? "

"What , with Andy ? Not really. I mean I tried but he made sure to get her out of here before I could say another word. But I could see it guys ."

"See what ? " Luke said , propping himself up from the ground - where we were lying looking up at the sky -

"She still loved me. I could see it in her eyes."

"Well then we have to get you two together. "

"And how the heck do we do that? If it was nearly impossible before , now would be past impossible to get to her . He'd probably have her under lock and key after I saw her , and he sure as daylight won't bring her here again. "

"True but you're forgetting one key point. "

"Which is ? "

"He's human Ben. He makes mistakes too and I'm sure he slips up , a lot . So one way or another he'll slip up again and that's when we'll take our chance ."

I listend closely to everything Luke was saying , I mean ... he sure did make a few good points. But I couldn't just sit around and wait for him to slip up , by the time he did , it'll probably be too late to get her back anyway.

But then again , what other choice did I have ?

"Break time's over slackers , get up and move to the courtyard . There'll be a bucket , tooth brush and a very dirty floor waiting for you when you get there ." One of Evan's soldier buddies said , as he cuffed us , leading us to the courtyard.

Could this day get any worse ?


I stood corrected. My day got a lot worse.

If it wasn't bad enough that we had to scrub dirty floors with our toothbrushes! Evan just HAD to be the guard on watch .

I could feel his eyes burning at the back of my head as he watched my every move, almost as if he was waiting for me to make a mistake so he could punish me . Not that, that stopped him before. He never needed a reason to pound on someone , especially me.

"Pick it up Anderson ! You're burning daylight. We've got places to be !" He yelled from behind me.

"Oh ? Like spending time with MY girlfriend ? " I said as I faced him.

He just gave a half hearted laugh as he looked at me with a smirk.

"Your girlfriend? Oh , I'm sorry . I must've missed the memo when she agreed to be MY girlfriend. You snooze you lose pal. " he said proud , as if having Andy was like winning a prize at the fair.

"I am NOT your pal , and you better keep your hands off of her ! You hear me !?" I said getting up and sneering in his face. It took every ounce of will power in me to not just launch a big , wet loogie between his eyes.

"And what are you going to do about it , RUNT ?"

That's when I launched on him , sending buckets of water flying across the floor , as I punched him with a strength I didn't even knew I had in me .

I kept a constant rhythm as I heard the cracking of his nose as blood started to cover his face .

But the thing that bothered me the most was , why wasn't he fighting back ?

"Anderson !" The head of the soldiers called as he ripped me off of a badly damaged Evan , to whom I smiled proudly that I could do that much damage.

"Take him to the cellar and don't give him any food or water until he's ready to behave. " the general said as the guards dragged me away .

I might've been in a lot of trouble ,but it sure was satisfying to see Evan like this.

It's done !!!! What did you think of Ben's POV ? And the fight!? Thoughts? Theories? Let me know if I did a great job . Until next time my Lovelies ❤❤❤

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