Meeting Beam

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Forth didn't know where Beam was taking him but after their little introduction Beam started his car again and drove off to an unknown location. Normally Forth would think twice before hopping into some strangers car but he was so emotionally distraught that all rational thought went out the window. It was a good 10 minutes or so before Beam had finally pulled the car over. They had parked outside a small house and Beam was already out of the vehicle heading towards the front door. Forth didn't know why but he followed after Beam until he was at the front door.

Beam turned around to Forth, as he opened the door, before speaking "It isn't much but it's home. You can stay here the night if you'd like." Forth was surprised at the strangers generosity and could do nothing more than nod in thanks. He walked through the front door and admired his new surroundings. The house wasn't much but it was well planned out and everything seemed to fit together. As Forth was taking in his surroundings Beam spoke up again "Are you hungry? I could make you something to eat?" Truthfully Forth hasn't had a chance to eat since lunch time and all the food his mother gave him was left at the house. His stomach began to rumble at the prospect of food. "If it's not too much of a bother for you. I don't want you going out of your way for me" he stated softly. 

Beam chuckled at Forth, "It's no bother. I was going to make myself some dinner anyway. So what would you like?" Forth couldn't help but smile at Beam "Anything is good. I'm not a picky eater" he replied back. "Well then pad thai it is" Beam said as he headed off towards the kitchen. He turned back to Forth "You can go watch the tv in the living room if you'd like. It's hooked up to netflix so just pick something to watch and I'll tell you when dinner's ready." Forth then slowly made his way to the living room and decided on a movie about space aliens. Fantasy/action movies were always his favourite. He just hoped Beam liked what he had picked.

About half an hour later Beam came out with 2 plates of food and handed one to Forth. "So what are we watching?" Beam asked as he sat down next to Forth. "It's a movie about a race of Aliens who's home planet is dying and they come to earth seeking help." Forth and Beam sat there enjoying their meal while the film was playing. "This is delicious. I haven't had pad thai this good in forever." Beam blushed at Forth's words. No one had complimented his cooking before so to hear it from a complete stranger was music to his ears. "Well thank you Forth. No one's ever said that before." They sat in silence as they finished off their plates before Forth took them and headed towards the kitchen.

"You don't need to to the dishes" Beam protested "You're my guest here." Forth wouldn't have a word of it and began to tidy up the kitchen. In 20 minutes the kitchen was spotless and he went back to join Beam in the living room. As they sat there, not sure of what to say next Forth's phone began to ring. He took one look at the caller and immediately rejected the call. Tears began to flow down his cheeks as the recent memories came flooding back. Beam wasn't sure of what to do but he placed his arm around Forth, bringing him into a hug, allowing him to cry on his shoulder.

After a few minutes of crying Forth's tears began to dry up. Beam let go of the hug as Forth straightened himself out. Beam didn't know if he should pry or not but he felt he should at least ask what's going on and if Forth doesn't want to answer he wouldn't push it. "What has gotten you so upset Forth?" Beam asked with concern. Forth didn't know if he should tell him the truth but right now he really needed someone to talk to. He took one deep breath before beginning his tale.

"About 5 years ago I started dating this guy named Yo. We had known each other for a couple of years before then but it wasn't until my sophomore year of high school that we started to date. the first four years were great but things changed once we moved in together. See Yo is a year younger than me so we spent most of last year apart. It was hard but I loved him and he loved me so we made it work. A month before university went back we officially moved in together. It was great for the first couple of months but then things began to change. He would always be out late, rarely ever home, coming late or even missing dates in general. I didn't want to think Yo was cheating on me but the signs were all there. He had even stopped telling me he loved me a few months ago and it was ages since we last were intimate, let alone had a proper kiss. It wasn't until he came home one night, after not coming home the night before, that i found the hickeys all over his neck and chest. The pain of finding out your boyfriend didn't love you anymore and was seeing someone behind your back hurts like hell."

Beam was shocked to hear Forth's confession. He didn't expect this to be the case but he sat there listening to every word of Forth's, letting him know that he cares about him even if they had only just met. Forth continued on with his story.

"Well a week had went by. I hadn't confronted him yet because a small part of me had hopped I was wrong and that something else was going on but alas it was true. I went home just this past Friday to visit my family and got back at 5pm today. I was shocked to see Yo's car in the driveway but a small part thought that maybe he had remembered our anniversary and was planning a surprise. Oh I was surprised all right. Surprised to find him in our bed being fucked by a complete stranger and what made it worse was he didn't even stop the guy. He just tried to explain that it wasn't what it looked like. I stood there frozen for a moment until I heard him let out a loud moan. I then just took my keys, wallet and phone and high tailed it out of there."

The tears had once again come back, just remembering what he had seen earlier was breaking him apart. Beam wrapped his arms around Forth once again and brought him in close. "It's ok Forth, just let it out." He then turned Forth to face him "I know how you feel buddy. Just 2 weeks ago I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me with another guy. So I understand the pain." They sat like that in each others arms until they were both too tired to stay awake and just fell asleep. 

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