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While Forth and Beam were going strong in their new relationship 2 people were clearly unhappy. Pha and Yo, although they loved each other dearly and would never give each other up, couldn't stand to see their exes happy together. You see neither Pha or Yo loved their ex boyfriends, nor will they ever love them, but they couldn't stand the thought of someone else with them, especially one another. Pha believed Beam was his, and his alone, to play with. Yo felt the same way about Forth, it's what brought these two together in the first place. They couldn't understand that neither Forth or Beam were theirs anymore. 

Pha and Yo were absolutely furious when they saw Beam and Forth out on their first date. To see them so happy just angered them even further to the point where Pha just wanted to beat the crap out of Forth right then. Yo had to calm him down and convinced him there would be another way to tear them apart. After many months of planning they were ready to strike. Forth and Beam wouldn't know what hit them. 

It was late on Saturday afternoon as Forth had taken Beam on a small hike just outside the city. There was a very majestic waterfall at the end of the trail that was absolutely breathtaking. When they had reached the top they were astonished by the view. Beam couldn't keep the smile off his face when Forth wrapped his arms around his torso and gently kissed his neck. They were well and truly happy, unaware that things were about to drastically change. 

As the sun was setting Forth and Beam decided to head back towards the car and go home. They still lived in that one bedroom apartment, not wanting to let it go since it held so many wonderful memories. As they began their decent they were both grabbed from behind and injected with a powerful sleeping agent. Within a minute they were both knocked out cold. Forth and Beam were about to be carried off when Pha and Yo stepped onto the scene, smiling widely. So far everything was running smoothly. Pha wanted to try and break Forth and Beam up but Yo had told him that was highly unlikely to happen since he could clearly tell they were truly in love. Also even if they did break up they wouldn't go running back to their cheating exes. The only option was to kidnap them and force them back. 

When Forth and Beam eventually came around they noticed they were both tied down rather tightly to separate beds. Beam was the first to awake and was shocked to see his new surroundings. He could only move his head from side to side so he didn't get to see much but he saw Forth clear as day. Forth had woken up only moments later and soon they laid eyes on one another. Before either could get a word out somewhere in the room a door open and in walked Pha and Yo. To say the other two were surprised would be an understatement. Forth and Beam were at a loss for words. 

Pha was the first to speak, in a cold dark tone "I gathered you realised that neither me or Yo ever loved you two. We may not love you but you belong to us and no one else." He then looked directly at Beam "I was your first and I will be your last." Beam was terrified but Forth wasn't going to let this rattle him. "You stay away from Beam. He's mine and nothing you can do will ever change that" he said with confidence. Pha only laughed at Forth's words "You are currently tied down with no way to escape and yet you think you can control me?" He made his way closer to Forth while still staring at Beam. "I have the upper hand here Forth. There is no way for either of you two to escape. You will be our prisoners for the rest of your miserable lives and you'll like it." 

Forth then turned to Yo and spoke softly "How could you do this to me? First you cheat and now when I have finally moved on and found my one true love you want to take that away from me? Didn't anything in the last 5 years mean something to you?" Yo turned his head slowly to face Forth, an evil grin plastered on his face "You are mine Forth. No one else can have you but me. So what if I'm in love with Pha and he loves me you will always be my toy to play with as I please. So just shut up or I'll make this worse for you." Forth was about to speak when Pha and Yo quickly left the room, leaving Forth and Beam alone for now. 

A week had gone by and so far Pha and Yo never came back to the room, only 2 strong, well built men would enter twice a day to bring them something to eat and allow them to go to the bathroom. Other than that they were left tied to the bed. Beam began to wonder if they would ever be found. It scared him to know what Pha might be planning for him. He wanted to go back home and never see Pha or Yo ever again. Forth was a little nervous as well but he tried to reassure Beam that no matter what happens they still have each other. 

At the end of the week Forth and Beam were greeted with a very flustered looking Yo and very worried Pha. It seems Forth and Beam's absence hasn't gone unnoticed and the police were closing in. They needed to act fast if they wanted to keep Forth and Beam for themselves. The following morning Forth was awoken to a loud gun shot. Soon he could hear bullets flying everywhere and before long the fight was brought into their room. A couple of men in police uniforms hurried over towards the beds and quickly untied both Forth and Beam before ushering them out of the room. Unfortunately some of Pha and Yo's men were standing in their way and began to fire. Forth tried to grab Beam and duck out of the way but he was hit by a stray bullet right to the chest.

Beam screamed as he saw his lover fall to the ground bleeding profusely. He scurried over towards Forth's crumpled body and tried to put as much pressure to the wound as possible. Forth's eyes flicked open for a few moments, he looked deep into Beam's tear stained eyes before speaking "I love you Beam" and even before Beam could respond Forth's eyes closed. Beam started to cry all over again as he prayed his lover would be all right. It wasn't long, but to Beam it felt like hours, before the fight was over and Forth was eventually rushed to hospital. It was several hours before one of the doctors came out to give Beam the news. 

The doctor looked at Beam briefly before speaking "Beam, Forth is.........."

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