Never Letting Go

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While Beam was being tested Forth's father went to check on Forth. In all this commotion Forth was the last thing on anyone's mind but now that Beam was being taken care off Forth's father wanted to check on his son. He knew Forth was awake and had probably heard their little conversation earlier so wanted to see if his son was ok. When he walked into the room he didn't expect to find a crying Forth on his bed. Clearly he knew Beam had been raped and blamed himself for not being there in his time of need. Forth's father walked closer to the bed and slowly put his arm around his son "It's not your fault Forth. You couldn't control anything since you were in a coma. It's all that Joss' fault and we both know it."

Although Forth knew what his father said was true he couldn't help but place blame on himself. "I know that father but I can't help fee like if I hadn't been shot none of this would of happened." Forth's father sighed "I know it's hard son but none of us blame you, not even Beam. He loves you more than anything. Just hold onto him tight and let him know you still love him, he's going to be struggling for awhile because of what Joss had done to him. Never let go of him Forth."

Neither of them had realised that Beam had entered the room. To say he was shocked at finding Forth awake was an understatement. "OMG" Beam yelled through his tears. "You're finally awake" he said as he ran up to hug Forth tightly, afraid that if he lets go Forth will disappear. Forth was so happy to see Beam, it has been far too long he thought to himself. He didn't want to but felt Beam should know the truth. Forth lifts Beam's head up to face him before he places a small peck on Beam's lips. He then slowly parts before speaking "I know what happened between you and Joss. I overheard the conversation you had earlier with my parents."

Beam was surprised and embarrassed, tears flew down his cheeks once again. "I'm sorry Forth. I really did try to fight him off I swear." Beam was an emotional wreck at this moment, he couldn't stop crying. Forth let Beam snuggle into him as he ran his hand through Beam's soft hair. "I know you would never do something like that willingly Beam. You love me just as much as I love you. My parents told me you took time off your study so you could stay here with me. If that doesn't prove your love then I don't know what will." Beam let out a small smile at Forth's words. There was a slight pause before Forth spoke once again "I love you Beam and nothing is going to change that ok. Not even Joss. To me you are still the same man I fell in love with all those months ago. Things may be different this time around but my love for you will remain the same." 

Beam didn't know how to react. Forth's words made his heart jump with glee. He had well and truly found his soul mate. "I love you too Forth and I always will" he said before planting a soft, sweet kiss on Forth's inviting lips. Forth's father couldn't be happier for these two boys. Even after the obstacles they faced their love remained strong. Nothing would ever tear these two apart. No crazy exes, being shot or even getting raped would separate these two love birds. They were indeed soulmates. 

It was a few weeks before Forth was able to head home, he had to go through intense therapy so he would be able to walk again. Being in a coma so long caused his muscles to become weak and he wasn't able to walk for a few days after waking up. By the 4th week the doctors were impressed with Forth's recovery that they gave him the all clear to go home but made him promise to take it easy for a couple more weeks as he still wasn't fully recovered. Forth was so over the moon about being able to go home. He had missed sleeping next to his beloved boyfriend and couldn't wait to wrap his arms around him once again. Beam was just as excited to have Forth home once again, the memories of his incident with Joss were still fresh in his mind but he was seeing a therapist to help deal with it all. 

Beam and Forth's parents had a discussion with the university and due to Beam and Forth's circumstances allowed them to proceed to their 3rd year of university if they were able to pass a few exams. They had already completed most of their second year before Forth was shot so it shouldn't be too hard for the boys if they get down and study. This whole experience had convinced Beam that he wanted to become a therapist and help others through situations like his own. Forth had decided that when he finished his degree he would find the perfect job that allowed him to come home every night. He didn't want to work late or early mornings, Beam was and will always be his number 1 priority. 

As the time went on Forth and Beam became even closer than before. Their love for one another shone so bright it put the stars to shame. No one could ever doubt that these two boys were the real deal. It wasn't a matter of "if" but "when" these two boys would get married. Everyone could see they would go the distance. Forth never failed to show Beam his love for him daily, not wanting Beam to ever think that he had become less important. Beam tried doing the same thing although it wasn't as easy for him as it was for Forth. As time went by they grew closer and closer, not once letting the fire inside them die. 

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