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2 years after Forth had woken up and only a few months away from their graduation Forth had decided it was time. He was going to wait until they had graduated from university but the overwhelming feeling to make Beam his for life was just too powerful to ignore. So one Saturday afternoon Forth had asked Beam out on a nice romantic date. He claimed he just wanted to spend some time with his loving boyfriend. It has been 2 years since the incident with Joss and they still haven't slept together again. Beam would worry sometimes that Forth was losing interest because they couldn't have sex but Forth never failed to prove to Beam that it was far from the case. Whether Beam and himself had sex didn't matter, as long as he had Beam's heart he was a happy man.

It was late winter so the weather was kinda chilly but Forth thought a picnic in the park was a beautiful place to propose to his boyfriend. Beam always loved the simple things in life, believing money was better spent on the more important things like food, water, bills etc. Dates were one thing Beam felt didn't need to be flashy or over the top and Forth never failed to keep that in check. 

It was 7pm in the evening when Forth drove Beam to the nearby park. He had been planning this proposal for a few weeks and already had the blessings of both families. Beam didn't think this date was anything special, just one of their regular hang outs but he was in for one big surprise. They arrived at the park 10 minutes later and Forth had Beam blind folded. He had his friends set up a nice picnic on a table with all of Beam's favourite foods. He then lead Beam to the spot where it was all set up before removing the blindfold. Beam was blown away by the effort put into this date. There was white and red rose petals on the ground, a few fairy lights around the trees and some candles on the table along with the basket of food. 

Beam was so overwhelmed with this that tears began to fall down his cheek. He slowly turned around to thank Forth only to find him kneeling on the ground with a small box in his hands. Before Beam could say anything Forth spoke up a little nervously. "I love you Beam, more than you will ever know. Since I met you my life has never been the same and for that I am grateful. We helped each other through a really tough breakup and ending up falling for one another. I do have to thank Pha and Yo for their part in all this because if they hadn't of cheated on us I wouldn't of found the love of my life, the one person I plan to spend the rest of my life with." He paused for a moment, looking up at Beam's teary eyes before continuing "Even after all the drama we faced with being kidnapped, shot, me being in a coma for months and you being raped. Nothing tore us apart. It only drove us closer and closer together. I am so lucky to have you in my life and can't imagine it without you. So my dear Beam, the one I love more than anything, Will you marry me?" 

Beam was speechless. He definitely did not see this coming, at least not this soon, but he was filled with so much joy and happiness. Not able to say a word Beam just nodded his head as the tears kept falling. This was the happiest day of his life., well until his wedding day where he will be finally married to Forth. Forth then took the golden engagement ring out of the box and placed it gently on Beam's ring finger. He then pulled out a similar box and asked Beam to place the ring on his finger. Forth wanted the whole world to know whom he belonged to. 

A month later and it was their wedding day. Neither Forth or Beam could wait to be married and just had a simple yet elegant wedding for close family and friends. It was such a magical time and the smiles were permanently etched onto Beam and Forth's face the entire day. The road ahead wasn't going to be easy but they knew that as long as they had each other by their side they would make it through anything. Nothing and no one could tear these two apart, there past was a testament to that. Beam and Forth had managed to unbreak each others heart and make them stronger as the days wore on. They were in this for life. 

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