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"I- What the hell you doing in my house?" Kyla walked in the door, seeing Bridgett get off the couch

"Sunshine I-"

"Let her answer my question" Kyla put her hand up, stopping Mekai from talking

"Well, if you must know." Bridgett started

"Bitch, stop playing with me" Kyla sucked her teeth


"I told you to shut up, right?" Kyla interrupted Mekai again

"I was letting your boyfriend know I have an STD" Bridgett shrugged


"I thought I should let him know since we slept together and all. You-" Kyla's fist connected with Bridgett's nose, making a cracking noise

Her shrieks and Kyla's yells could be heard as Kyla sent punch after punch to her face.

"Baby, calm down!" Mekai grabbed Kyla, having a really strong feeling she might end up killing Bridgett

"Fuck you! Fuck you!" Kyla cried, hitting Mekai as he attempted to pull her off

He finally grabbed both of her fist, pinning her against the wall.

"Calm down, I'm sorry" he stared at her

"Fuck you Mekai! Get off me!" she tried to swing

"Kyla" he held her fist tighter "It was an accident, I don't even remember anything. Let's just sit down and talk about this"

"Ok...we can talk." she nodded, slowing her breathing

"You calm?"


Mekai nodded, releasing her hands. Kyla wiped her tear stained face, taking a deep breath.

"Bridgett you need to go while you can still walk outta' here alive. Baby, let's t-" Mekai was cut off by Kyla sending a hard punch to his lip, making his head bob back

"Stupid bitch!" she stormed off to the back room

Bridgett quickly scurried off the floor and out of the house, scared Kyla would return with a gun.

Mekai went behind Kyla, holding his bleeding lip, trying to see what she was doing too.

"Please don't go" he saw her packing a bag

She ignored him, grabbing a few shirts off the hanger

"Hit me, spit on me, whatever. Please, I can't lose you again."

"You weren't thinking about me when you stuck your dick in her diseased ass pussy! Fuck you Mekai!"

"Please, I can't lose you." he grabbed her arm

"You lucky I wanna leave. If I stay I'ma hurt you real bad." she shook her head, yanking away

"Ky, I'm sorry. It won't happen again, I swear."

"Heard that fat ass lie. Just move" she zipped up her bag

"I'll leave" he stood in front of the doorway

"Nah, excuse me." she stared at him with cold eyes

"Please, I don't want you going out by yourself at this time"

"Oh now you care? Mekai just move, you're making me angrier and I'm really tryna' leave calmly." Kyla knew if she really showed him how angry she was, she wouldn't be able to control herself

"You been drinking?" he asked

"I had one drink and a little bit of weed, I'm fine. Move"

He finally moved, letting her through "Please call me when you-"

"Fuck you" she interrupted him, closing the door after she exited


Kyla sat in the middle of the hotel bed, crying her eyes out. Finding everything out made her world feel like it was crashing down

Her phone dinged, signaling she had a text.

L Boogie 🤑❤️: You ok? Dominic told me what happened. I know you probably don't wanna talk right now. Just let me know you're ok. -4:23am

I'm fine -4:23am

She was so angry that she just sat there staring. Her mouth was silent, but her mind was going a mile a minute.
Her phone dinged twice.

L Boogie 🤑❤️: Ok, I love you. ❤️❤️ -4:27am

I love you too -4:28am

Kai ❤️: I'm so sorry, I know you not tryna hear none of it. But baby I need you -4:27am

Take your medicine & keep yourself calm. I need space, this is too much. -4:29am

Even though she was mad at him, she still wanted him to keep himself together. Last time Kyla needed space, he lost it and they weren't even as deep as they are now in the relationship.

Kai ❤️: I understand, please just say you don't hate me. -4:29am

You know I don't... -4:33am

After that, she blocked his number. Kyla wasn't letting go, she was simply giving herself time to heal because she felt like she was about to explode. She made a mental note to schedule a doctor's appointment to get tested as soon as possible.

Her healing started now...

-Carlisha ❤️

With a Twist.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant