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- 1 month later

Kyla had finally finished cleaning up the mess of her 3rd miscarriage this morning. She knew she was pregnant this time, but kept it to herself. She figured what was the point of getting excited if she was just going to lose it soon.

"I'm sorry" she spoke in a soft voice, full of pain

She was apologizing to the child who would never get the opportunity to live.

She was relieved that Laura and Dominic were at school, that meant she could grieve in peace. Soon as she sat on the couch and cuddled up into her blanket, somebody knocked at the door.
Kyla wiped her tear stained face before opening it.

"We gotta talk" Mekai came in

"I really don't want to right now." she fought the urge to fall into his arms and tell him everything

"Nah, it's urgent."

"I-Ok" Kyla sighed in annoyance "Talk"

"You said you needed space, I gave you that. But you need to let me know somethin'." He said, sitting on the couch

"Kai, I still need space right-"

"I gave yo ass a whole month of space!"

"Well excuse me for trying to come back from a STD scare, just because we don't have anything doesn't mean you're off the hook for FUCKIN' CHEATING!"

"I told you that was an accident. Ol' girl probably drugged me or something, cus I don't remember sleeping with her"

"Ok and you have no proof." She shrugged "So I still need-"

He cut her off "At this point, I feel like I'm single" he shrugged with a chuckle

"Since you like feel that, why don't we make it official?" She folded her arms, leaning against the wall

"I kinda don't care at this point. It is what it is." He sparked his blunt, standing up

"Cool, you can let yourself out." Kyla walked towards the back, feeling frustrated

She went in the bathroom, locking the door. She placed her hands on the sink, staring in the mirror and coaching herself not to cry. Not crying about a lot of things was easy for her before she met Mekai, but it's like he opened a soft side to her that she never knew she had. The side that wasn't bothered about crying.

"I'm ok" she continuously said to herself, still staring in the mirror

She had just lost her third child and now she was about to lose the love of her life. Holding things together for her were hard.

"Aye, have the rest of yo shit out by the end of this week." She heard him say down the hall before the front door closed

She bit down on her lip, trying to hold herself together. But shortly after, tears escaped down her face.

Maybe it's for the best, you couldn't give him kids anyway.

But I love him...I love him so much.

Yeah, but his future involves children, stop while you're ahead. So wipe them tears and stop being so soft.

Kyla sighed in defeat, getting herself together. She blew her nose and washed her hands before exiting the bathroom.

Just as she sat on the couch, Laura came through the door.

"Hey Ky Boogie" she mocked the nickname Kyla calls her


"Everything alright? I just saw Mekai leaving, and he looked pretty-"

"Pissed?" She interrupted her "Yeah we broke up."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Don't be, it was probably for the best." she lied to herself

"If you say so...Wanna have a chill night?" Laura knew right now Kyla didn't want advice, so she didn't give it

"Aren't you supposed to be going out with Dom tonight for your dating anniversary?" Kyla changed the subject

"Yeah, but I'll cancel if you need me."

"Girl, go out and have fun. I'm gonna be here continuing my search for a new apartment."

"You sure? You know he'll understand."

"L Boogie, I'm good." Kyla said in an assuring voice "You need help getting ready?"

"If you're up to it"

"Most definitely"

Short, not so sweet

-Carlisha ❤️

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