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- few days later (7:15am)

"Answer the phone." Kyla hit Mekai in his sleep

He pulled her closer, ignoring what she said.

"Kai, your phone." She said into his chest

"Answer it" He mumbled

"You gotta let me go." She chuckled

All she got in response to that were some snores. Kyla tried to slide out of his embrace, but by the time she got out of his arms, the phone stopped ringing.

She smacked her lips, seeing a voicemail pop up. She figured since she did all that to get up, she might as well listen to something.

She played the voicemail, putting the phone to her ear.

"Mekai this is Dr. Davidson, I just called to let you know the test results came in. You can call back or just walk in and ask for them at the front desk." And that was all he said before ending it

Kyla sighed, locking the phone and sitting it back down. After hearing the voicemail, she didn't know how to feel. She knew she had to get herself ready for whatever though.

After not being able to go back to sleep, Kyla got up and took her shower since she had a class at 9:30 anyway. During her shower, all she thought about were the test results. She didn't want the baby to be his, but at the same time there was a huge possibility it could be.


"Why you get up so early?" Mekai asked, walking in the kitchen with his boxers on

"Your phone woke me up." She put the eggs back in the refrigerator

"My bad baby." He pecked her lips

"It's cool. Your DNA results came in today."

"I'll go get 'em after my classes" he stood behind her, resting his chin on her shoulder

"Ok. I got an interview after my first class today."

"For the job you wanted?"

"Yeah, the professor put in a good word." She looked back at him with a smirk

"Crazy" he shook his head, chuckling "Good luck, Sunshine."

"Good luck to you too. You need it more than me" she shook her head


Mekai headed over to the doctor's office right after all his classes like he said he would. Soon as he walked in, he saw Bridgett coming from the back, crying. She walked pass him, stared for a few seconds, then ran out.

Inside, he was smiling because that had to mean he wasn't the father.

"I'm here to pick up some test results" he said to the receptionist


"Mekai Andrews."

After he got the folder, he walked out. He wanted to wait to get home and open them. Hopefully so he could share the good news with his fiancé.

With a Twist.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें