Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Jiyasha opened her eyes earlier the next morning only to find her head resting on Aryan's bare shoulder. She slightly moved herself to tilt and her earrings got stuck with his vests. Widening her eyes, she plucked at it softly and heaved a huge sigh when it came off.

She lifted herself from his side to witness the shirt that she was wearing. She thought, "What have I been doing?"

The last night's thoughts troubled her and made her cheeks to blush. Turning her head towards him, she witnessed his innocence while sleeping. He didn't seem to her the way he actually was. She planted a soft kiss on his forehead before moving away to dress up in her original suit.

She put his shirt beside him and squeezed his shoulder. "Aryan, please wake up, we should leave now."

He opened an eye and caught hold of her palm, pulling her closer to him. She fell against his bare chest with her arms encircling his neck. "Ah! what are you doing, Aryan?"

"Why can't I do this?" he said winking and began playing with her open hair.

Jiyasha remembered their first kiss that they had shared last night and felt shy. Her eyes were looking in the other direction and her cheeks were as plump as berries.

Aryan pushed her left cheek with his palm to make her face him. He added, "Now can you deny that you don't have feelings for me?"

Her cheeks were splashed crimson at once and her throat turned dry. Her first kiss with him had definitely exposed her womanly nature with her heart thumping heavily. She was facing the trouble to even utter a word!

A loud bang on the door of the backyard room of the inn broke their eye lock. She pushed him against the wall and stood upright adjusting herself. Aryan quickly buttoned his shirt that she had already kept beside.

"Come out both of you please! It's already morning," the lady of the inn shouted from outside.

Jiyasha slowly advanced to open the door but Aryan pulled at her hand swiftly to hold her by the waist. He said, "Wait for some time, don't open now."

"But why?" she asked confusingly.

"I'm not done yet. Shall we ever get a golden chance like this again? I don't want to lose you, Jiyasha!" His gentle voice was making her weak at the knees. His eyes contained the love which she had always wished to see. He hugged her tightly an another time and she also reciprocated.

His heart began racing faster than ever beating heavily against her chest. Cupping her face once more, he bent to kiss her passionately on her lips. He was running the fingers of his left hand around her neck and the other hand was holding her by the waist.

His sudden gentle move made her numb and she raised her feet to join in the kiss. They shared a deep and long kiss sucking each other's sweetness, with her arms pulling at his collar to pace it.

They weren't over yet but the lady called again. Slowly detaching from her like a gentleman, he opened his eyes. Jiyasha's eyes were reading the expressions on his face and she knew that none was satisfied and their unexpressed love needed more. But it wasn't the correct time and they needed to depart.

Aryan walked over and opened the gate. Jiyasha also followed him behind. Aryan met the lady outside and said, "How much do I need to pay?"

"Nothing, it's a kind of a cowshed where I keep my animals most of the time. It was my pleasure that I could help you last night," the lady said smiling and waved them a goodbye.

Shall We Ever Fall In Love? ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora