Chapter 38- She's Our Friend

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Mayu looked over her shoulder as she registered the sound of quick steps approaching her direction.

"Where are those silly maids?" an irritated Madam Zhou asked aloud as her hawk-like eyes scanned the vicinity. Spotting Mayu at the end of the corridor, she addressed her, "Oh, Mayu." A tinge of relief was evident in her voice. "Have you seen Kalyani and a few other maids? I cannot seem to find those silly girls."

Halting at her step, she replied, "No, Madam Zhou, I haven't."

An irritable look crossed Madam Zhou's features again as she frowned.

"Do you need them for something?"

"Those girls are supposed to be helping the kitchen staff with serving supper" Madam Zhou gritted out in a low voice. "But I cannot find them anywhere!"

Mayu took a wary step back from the fuming Madam Zhou. Those maids, honestly... she groaned. She couldn't believe her misfortune in having to be within range of Madam Zhou's flaming wrath. Treading cautiously, she took another small step back before suggesting, "I can look for them if it pleases you, Madam Zhou."

Immediately, the frown on the elder woman's face softened. "Yes, that would be of great help." She smiled fondly at Mayu, clearly reassured to have been offered a helping hand. "Thank you, child. Be sure to send them to the kitchens when you find them." And with that, Madam Zhou scurried off in the other direction.

A long breath escaped Mayu's lips once the head maid was no longer in sight. These chores are ceaseless... she thought as she trudged towards the maids' quarters where she assumed the others would be. But while she crossed the courtyard from the main house, Mayu couldn't help lamenting how she could have avoided giving herself more work to do.

Why did I have to offer my help? She internally berated herself. She huffed, if only I was as assertive as Gyuri...

Mayu's shoulders slumped, allowing strands of hair to escape from where she tucked it behind her ear. Lately, all she ever thought about was how she wished she was more like the energetic lass. As she continued her path towards the maids' quarters, she couldn't help mulling over how a lot of things had changed ever since Gyuri had arrived at the household.

Before Gyuri came, Mayu's days at the Kim household was filled with tedious routine. Like a mechanical wind-up toy, Mayu would wake up at the break of dawn, eat a measly breakfast and get on with her daily chores and activities. While she did not particularly find her chores enjoyable, she did relish the few moments she spent with Namjoon as she tended to his needs.

Her plump lips curled into a small smile at the thought of him.

Kim Namjoon.

Mayu couldn't avoid the heat rising to her cheeks, tinting them rose. Even the mere thought of his name elicited a strong response from her, stirring the suppressed feelings she had been hiding for so long.

Calm down, Mayu, she told herself. She glanced around her to make sure no one could see her flushed expression. He is your master. Stop these foolish thoughts!

But as much as she wished to be rid of her romantic feelings, she couldn't. Like every other young maiden, her heart was already too far invested in him to go back to the neutrality she once had.

And it was getting harder day by day to hide it.

She gripped the material of her robe nearest her chest as if to stop her heart from aching. "I'm so foolish" she mumbled. "There's no way Master Namjoon will ever look my way."

Suddenly, a distant memory of Namjoon and Gyuri sitting close to each other flitted across her mind, their faces jovial as if they were enjoying each other's company.

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