hello 911?

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The couple were lying in bed together, neither knew what the time was, it was just late. The sun had set hours ago and Juniper was pretty sure they were closer to sunrise than the sunset at this point.

They'd just been enjoying each others company, the only light source being a warm glow from a salt lamp across the room. Her dog, Padfoot was snoring away at the end of the bed.

She'd been sitting up against the headboard, with Toms head just about in her lap and his arm draped over her thighs.


"I'm going back to London soon."

"Oh," She whispered. "How soon?"

"I'm not sure, three or so days." Toms was voice was gentle as he spoke. He'd been avoiding bringing it up, not wanting to leave.


"I'll be back for the homecoming premiere. So I'll be gone about a month."

"A month?" She frowned and traced her fingers over his arm. She felt his head shift and she looked down at him to see him looking up at her.

"I haven't really seen my family since Christmas." Juniper shifted down the bed so that she too was laying down, her face directly across from his. Tom's hand came up to caress her face, his thumb rubbing gentle patterns into her cheek. "I miss them."

"Of course, you haven't seen them for nearly 8 months, that's a long time. It's my fault."

"No, no it's not your fault. I chose to stay here. Besides, I had some press to do anyway but I have even more to do after the premiere and I'll have to leave the country too."

They could both hear the sleep in one another's voice, they could hear the longing and sadness mingling to create a melancholy atmosphere.

Juniper took a deep breath in. "You'll come see me before you leave for the press tour?"

"Of course I will. Hopefully, I'll be seeing you on the red carpet too."

"What?" Juniper furrowed her brows and looked at the boy in front of her.

"Will you be my date?" Tom spoke softly and dragged his thumb over her lip.

"Really?" She whispered hopefully.

"Yes, really." He chuckled lightly.

Juniper and nodded and smiled, her arms wrapping around his neck and bringing their lips together for a brief moment. Tom smiled and kissed her forehead, pull her closer to him and intertwining their legs.

"Oh, I'll be bringing my whole family too."

"I get to meet them?"

"Of course."

She took a deep breath in and smiled. "Neat."

Tom laughed lightly and shook his head playfully.

"Go to sleep, I'll see you in the morning."


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