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Ever since the premiere, life had been a whirlpool for Tom. He'd been doing press almost everyday. He was currently packing for the upcoming press tour, while also on the phone to his agency, discussing something about his upcoming movie.

Juniper was watching from her bed, her legs folded up underneath her she watched him stress. She fiddled with a lose thread on her leggings while frowning at his behaviour.

Tom sighed as he hung up his phone. Standing up, he stretched out his back and turned to look at Juniper. She opened her arms up wide and he collapsed into them, pushing them both down into the bed and burying his head in her neck.

She rubbed his back soothingly, the stress evident in his incredibly tense muscles. It was until yesterday that Juniper actually released just how busy Toms schedule really was. Spiderman had well and truely kicked his career off. He got job offers every two seconds and he'd already taken so many. Tom had once showed her his list of upcoming projects and her eyes nearly popped out of her head at the sight of it.

"Slow down, Tom." Juniper whispered into his air. "You've gotta slow down."

He didn't reply, instead he pulled her in closer to him, if that was even possible. Juniper played with his curls as his breathing became more ragged. She furrowed her brows and pulled away to look at him.

Juniper quickly sat up when she noticed the small rivers running down his cheek, Tom sat up too and looked at her. "I'm sorry. I don't- I don't know what happening." He looked down at his shaky hands before raising one up to tug at his shirt collar.

"No don't apologise. It's okay." She grabbed one of his hands, the other going to the back of his neck. His breathing picked up its pace as he avoided eye contact with her. Juniper grabbed the water bottle she always kept next to her bed and stood up, helping her boyfriend off it. "Cmon, lets get some air."

The two made their way to the balcony that was attached to her bedroom, the brisk night air causing them both to shiver. She sat him down on the outdoor couch before running back inside and ripping the duvet off the bed.

When she got back outside (in record time) she sat down and put it over the both of them. Tom immediately put his head on her chest, she held him close and rubbed his back. Gently, she coaxed him into a better breathing pattern and whispered words of encouragement.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"It's just," He sighed. "Everything is moving too fast and everything is changing. My whole life has literally been flipped upside down and while I should be grateful it's so fucking intense, Jupe. I feel like I'm going to be constantly moving for the next three years and as much as I love all these things I get to experience I just don't want to let anyone down. I don't want to let myself down."

"Tom, you would never let me down. I know your life is absolutely hectic right now but one thing is never changing and that's the people who love you. Your family, your friends, me. We're all going to be there for you no matter what. I don't care where either of us are and what time it is, you can call me and I'll pick up. I know Harrison, your brothers, Z, Jacob, heck even Teegan would. We all care so much about you. We are also all so proud of you and we know that you're going to do amazing things and we know you can handle it." Juniper looked down at him and wiped the tears from his cheeks. "You've gotta take it one step at a time, set little goals and get those done. Focus on one thing at a time. Right now, focus on the press tour, then Chaos Walking, then whatever comes next."

"Spies in Disguise." He whispered quietly.

"See," she laughed a little. "You're organised, you can do this. Now sit up, drink some water."

Juniper edged him to sit up, her hand still on the back of his neck as she handed him the bottle. She watched as he took a deep breath in and drank almost half the bottle.

He put the bottle down on the ground in front of him and took in some deep breathes. June smiled small as she twirled one of his curls around her finger.

Tom looked down onto the road below him, it was still alive with cars and bustling people even though it was late. He could faintly hear music blasting from inside the shelter of the rolling metal. Eventually, his gaze moved up to the skyline. It was hard to see stars in LA, there was so much light pollution and pollution is general it wasn't really worth trying. But he thought about England, and all the stars he could see at home. He realised that no matter how busy life seemed, there was always a calm somewhere.

"Can you come with me?"

"With you where?"

"On the press tour. I'll talk to marvel, I'll- I'll pay for all your stuff myself if I have too. Please, I want you to come."

Juniper was quiet for a moment. "Send me your schedule and I'll send it to my agent and get her to get me some gigs and my own promo stuff that fits in with it. Of course I want to come with you."

"Really?" Tom whispered and looked at her, resting his forehead on hers.

"Really." She smiled small as his lips met hers gently.

The couple spent the rest of the night out on the balcony, sharing each others warmth under her thick duvet. They talked until they fell asleep, the city still bustling on underneath their feet.

hello, kind of a more 'serious' chapter i guess but i think it's important to realise that tom, or any celeb, is not superhuman!! they're probably stressed as fuck 25/7 so i feel like it was important to show that vulnerable side of tom tehe love y'all

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