bust my balls

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INTERVIEW with Jon Watts and Tom Holland

Bold = Interviewer 

Bold Italics = Jon 

Italics = Tom

First of all, congratulations on the movie it is so great! It's so fun! 

Thank you. 

You do such a great job at really setting us in this world of high school for Peter Parker. Have we ever seen a superhero that's this kind of vulnerable?

*laughs* I think that one of the things that makes Spider-Man so relatable to a lot of people is that he's just a regular guy so you can relate to him. I think that- that a lot of that vulnerability is what makes you empathetic. You understand what it feels like to be him. 

A lot of the criticisms historically with superhero movies is that they're either the good superhero or they're the great real person. What was the balance for you between Peter Parker and Spider-Man, Tom? 

I think that the nice thing is that he's both, you know. He's a role model to me because my life is changing and crazy stuff is happening to my life, crazy stuff happened to his life but he stayed the same. Peter Parker is still the same kid. So for me, I have to stay Tom Holland, you know? Even though everything around me is changing. Yeah, I think the- the balance between superhero and regular kid was something that was quite difficult and Jon- perfected it. He really made it- he really made it happen. 

Let's talk about all of this that is happening around you. How are you keeping your head screwed on, how does this all feel? This is different than 'The Impossible' this is franchise territory. 

Yeah, we're in a different world right now. I haven't had two seconds to myself to think about what's happening to my life we've been travelling and promoting the movie so much. Although, recently I had a moment where I was kind of like 'woah, what is happening right now.' But you know, like I said I've gotta stay Tom Holland and I do that by keeping my friends and family close. My girlfriend, Juniper, is really good at keeping me grounded, she doesn't care one bit I'm Spider-Man. *looks off camera, at Juniper and laughs* She looks like she's gonna kill me after this.  

*laughs* Us women do a rather good job of keeping our men in check. 

*laughs* No, no but in all seriousness she's great. She's supportive obviously but she'll bust my balls if I get to much of an ego. Anyway, ask me another question before I ramble on about my girlfriend. 

Again. *laughs*

Alright, alright. *laughs* Uh, I love that one of the recognisable tropes in Homecoming is that we can see these teen movies that so many of us have grown up with. I mean we can literally see Ferris Bullers Day Off. Why was that such a good touchstone for you in terms of what that represents and the journey of  Spider-Man, Peter Parker? 

I always thought it would be exciting to do a superhero coming-of-age movie and John Hughes for a lot of people are just- that's their cultural touchstone. You know, a lot of people my age, when they think of high-school they think of a high school in Chicago before their own. *laughs* But no, it was a really interesting way to apply a genre to the superhero universe. 

Absolutely. I'm kind of calling him Spider-Boy. 

Yeah *laughs* you should, because he is one, he's a kid.   

So tell me about those lessons Spider-Man- or Spider-Boy has to learn in Homecoming. 

I prefer Iron Man Junior, rather than Spider-Boy. 

*laughs* I'll go with that if that's your preference. 

Uh, anyway, sorry what was your question? 

Pay attention Spider-Boy. 

Focus *laughing* uh, what are some of the lessons he needs to learn to really become who he needs to be to embody Spider-Man? 

Um, that's a big question and I'm very tired. *laughs* I don't really- I'm gonna let Jon answer that one. 

I think what all coming of age movies are about is learning to find your place in the world. You start questioning the way things have been taught to you growing up and learning more about the world and finding your place in that. I think when you can do the things that Spider-Man can do, it really takes all the stakes of growing up and heightens them to see what kind of a person is Peter Parker going to grow up and be. 

Well, I personally can't wait to see more of Peter and who he's becoming but unfortunately, that's all we have time for today. I'll let you go so Tom can get back to his girlfriend. 

*laughs* Thank you for having us. 

Transcribing a whole ass interview takes a lot of fucking time plz shoot me 
But also I'm too lazy to be original 
Keep an eye out for a Peter Parker fic dropping soon (Once I finish ten chapters of it, idk if ill drop it all at once or what the deal is but idk we'll see) 

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