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Juniper had just gotten off her first solo plane ride. It'd been her longest plane ride too, totalling up to 8 hours. The best thing about the trip was that Harrison had allowed her a whole day to pack and get to the airport on time. It suited them both well, the flight landing at 1pm in London.

Airports had always baffled her and she could never quite wrap her head around it. Harrison had given her basic instructions about how the airport worked but she was still confused. She'd eventually found her way to the baggage claim, grabbing her suitcase and heading down the escalator Harrison had told her would be there.

June felt like her heart is in her throat, she was about to meet Toms mom, and maybe one of the other two siblings she hadn't met yet. These were people that meant a lot to a person that meant a lot to her. She didn't want to mess up.

It was nearing the end of summer in the UK, yet it was still a bit cooler than she was used too in LA. Not to mention, the airport seemed to be blasting air conditioning. When she got off the escalator, she paused for a moment to get the jumper she'd packed in her carry on out. The second she pulled it out, she'd realised her mistake, it was one of Toms. She couldn't wear Tom's jumper to meet his mother for the first time. June shoved it back in her bag and sucked it up.

where are youuuuu

i'm a little lost

did you make it down the escalator


ok wait by the bottom i'll come get you

A few moments later she saw the tall blonde approach her with a large smile on his face. He pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back.

"How are you?" Juniper could feel his voice rumbling through his chest.

"I'm good, tired. I hate planes."

"I don't blame you, this airport is huge too. Aren't you cold?" He pulled out of the hug and eyed her t-shirt and jeans.

"Yes, I have a jumper but it's Toms because i'm an idiot and I don't think I should met his mom in his jumper."

"Oh she probably won't even realise or care. Besides, she knows you and Tom are more than friends. Sam is probably the only one who will notice."

"Sam's here?" She laughed nervously and pulled the jumper over her head.

"Mhm, c'mon, Nikki's about to piss herself with excitement."

Harrison grabbed her suitcase and led the way to Toms mom and brother. The two made small talk on their short walk while she fiddled with the sleeves that went way past her hands.

The second the stopped in front of Nikki and Sam, she was immediately pulled into a hug by the red haired woman.

"It's so so lovely to finally meet you." Toms mother had a voice that was so silky it reminded her of honey.

"It's nice to meet you too Mrs Holland."

"No no no, it's Nikki, please." She pulled out of the hug and smiled at Juniper. "Let's get going, you must be exhausted."

Juniper laughed a little and nodded, she gathered up her carry on bag and looked up at who she knew to be Sam.

"Oh shoot, I'm so sorry." She stuck out her hand for him to shake. "Juniper, June, Jupiter, whatever you wanna call me."

"Sam, Samson, Sammy, whatever you wanna call me." He laughed as they shook hands.

"Alright let's go, Tom's been at press junkets all day and he's pissed off I left him half way through. Harry's with him though so he needs to get over it." Harrison stated as he continued wheeling her suitcase and the group made their way towards the Holland's family car.

"When's he getting back?" She asked as she fell into a comfortable pass next to Sam.

"Around about 4:30 I think so that's about- two hours or so." He answered, pulling out his phone to check the time. "The car ride is a bit long though thank god we have comfortable seats."

"How long?"

"About an hour or so but traffic wasn't so bad on the way here I mean, it's 2pm on a Wednesday who's out right now."

"I mean I'm not actually feeling too bad, It's about the time I wake up in LA anyway."

"Oh yeah fair enough, fall asleep anyway or mum might talk your ear off."

Juniper fell asleep in the car on the way back to Toms house anyway. Before she knew it, she was being woken up by Harrison who had been in the back seat of the car with her the whole ride.

She climbed out of the car and looked up at the quaint house they'd pulled up in front of.

"Not much but it's home." Juniper looked across to Sam who smiled at her as he spoke.

"No I love it, I grew up in a tiny apartment in New York, well, 6 of them. I've never lived in an actual house."

Sam grabbed her carry on for her and walked inside, following after Harrison who had her suitcase.

"Now," Nikki looked at her. "You're to welcome sleep in the guest room or Toms room, I don't mind. However, I'm a bit too young to become a grandmother right now."

Juniper blushed and fiddled with his jumper again. "Oh well, uh, I don't- we don't-"

"I don't care what you two do or don't do, I trust that you two are adult enough to make responsible decisions. Before this gets more awkward, I believe there's someone you've been dying to meet?"

"Tessa?" June's face lit up and she refrained from letting on that she was too excited. Nikki laughed and nodded before following Juniper inside.

Mere seconds after she stopped foot into the residence a scurrying noise was heard from across the room. A blue staffy came rattling towards her and sniffed Juniper up and down, jumping onto her back legs with her tail wagging furiously. Juniper beamed and bent down so the dog could leave sloppy kisses all over her face.

"Well if Tessa likes you, we all like you." She looked up to see a man she assumed to be Toms dad standing in the doorway. June smiled up at him and stroked Tessa a couple more times before standing up and walking over to shake his hand. "Paddy is in his room doing who knows what, so you probably won't meet him until dinner tonight. I'm making a roast chicken if that's okay with you?"

"Oh no, that sounds amazing. I don't think I've had a homemade meal since- I don't know years even."

"Well I am honoured to be the person who makes one for you. Tea?"

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