size of an avocado

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So here we've got Tom and Juniper, a year into their marriage (they were engaged for two), living in a house they bought together two years ago in London. They'd brought Padfoot over and Tom has Tessa for a majority of the time because she was his dog after all. Of course, they didn't live far from Toms parents so everyone still go to see the beloved staffy all the time. Sam and Harry had moved into Toms old apartment, Paddy was the only one still at home but even he was preparing to move out, he was 20 now after all.

To say Toms parents were suffering from empty nest syndrome was an understatement. Of course, all four boys were at their childhood home pretty much everyday but it was weird having three empty rooms (almost four) and no dog. Their solution for this was to have a grandchild. How that mad sense, none of the brothers would ever know but all they knew was that they were constantly being asked if their partners were pregnant or in Harry's case, when they were going to adopt/ get a surrogate.

The most pressure was on now 28 year old Tom and 27 year old Juniper. It wasn't just from his parents, it was from their friends too, including Teegan and Harrison who already had one (a beautiful boy named Luke.) It also came from the media and fans, who were begging them to hurry up and have a damn kid they can fawn over.

Padfoot and Tessa (who were now rather old dogs) were strangely protective of Juniper recently, whenever someone went to touch her they would bark or growl. No one had any idea what was going on but it was a little annoying, no one except Juniper anyway.

It was Toms birthday and Nikki and Dom had invited every around to their house for dinner. Tom has noticed his wife was acting a little off that day, he was confused but tried not to think too much about it, she was still happy. Even so, the now 29 year old man was having a great day.

So the couple made their way over to Toms parents house, they were the last to arrive. Everyone one was there and it came to a grand total of 12 people. They were ushered in quickly and took their seat next to Harrison and Teegan, who was wearing baby Luke in a wrap against her chest. Juniper smiled at the baby and talked in a baby voice, making faces.

"June, do you want anything to drink?" Nikki asked, referring to the lack of wine in front of her daughter-in-law. It was a rare sight to see the girl without wine.

"Oh no, I'm fine with just water."

Nikki raised her brows, as did Teegan and Tom, surprised at her dismissal. They all gave her questioning looks as they ate their dinner.

"I'm uh- I'm pregnant?"

Knifes and forks clattered to plates and no one said a word. Juniper looked at Tom nervously who nearly spat out his beer at the statement (that was posed as a question) and snapped his head towards her. Everyone at the table was holding their breath, watching Tom. Nikki could barely contain her excitement.

"Pregnant?" He squeaked.


"Oh my god," He whispered before a beaming smile took over his face. "Oh my god!"

"You're pregnant!" He pulled her in for a kiss while everyone started laughing and congratulations rang around the room.

Tom pulled away and looked at Junipers stomach before pulling her into a tight hug. She smiled and hugged back, giving Harry a high five behind Toms back.

"How far along are you?" Nikki asked, tearing up.

"Just over 16 weeks, thought it was only fitting seeing as they're the size of an avocado." Juniper laughed as Tom kissed her cheek.

"Is a boy or a girl?" Teegan asked from next to her.

"I don't know," Juniper said as she pulled a folded up envelope from her pocket. "This paper does though, if we want to know."

"Can we? Right now?" Tom asked hopefully as Juniper wiped a tear off his face.

"You sure? You might have a heart attack." She laughed. Tom rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Yes. I'm sure, now open the damn envelope."

Juniper went to open it but paused. "I can't do it. I'm too nervous. Paddy? Can you open it?"

"Me? You sure?" He said in shock, taking the envelope that was extended out to him.

"Seeing as you'll no longer be the baby Holland, I'd like you to announce your successor's gender." Juniper smiled playfully.

He rolled his eyes but stood up, clearing his throat dramatically. He opened the envelope and pulled the paper out, reading over the word that was written.

"Baby Holland, is," He paused again, causing everyone to groan and tell him to hurry up. "A girl."

Cheers broke out once again and a 'thank god' came from Nikki. Tom stood up from his chair, walking into the open space of the dining room with his hands in the air. He'd always wanted a girl, the thought of having a daughter that relied on him made him so happy, words couldn't describe how he felt in that moment.

Juniper put her hands on her stomach and sniffed back tears. She stood up and hugged Nikki tightly, who had made her way over to the other side of table. Both women cried tears of joy into each other's shoulders before Juniper pulled away and went to her husband, who was also now the father of her child.

@juniperholland: you get the jist 🤰🏻 3

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@juniperholland: you get the jist 🤰🏻
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@tomholland2013: flipped my shit but she's on her way 4

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@tomholland2013: flipped my shit but she's on her way
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@juniperholland: Fawn Holland, you really hurt my vagina but I still love you (6

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@juniperholland: Fawn Holland, you really hurt my vagina but I still love you (6.09.24)
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one more
just one :,)
imagine (?)
thing i guess
i feel like i'm killing my characters

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