Chapter 15

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The door swings open "Yah jungkookie eodig... ,"

Both of us jerk our heads away from each other and look at the door. Our eyes meet with Jin who is still trying to process the kind of image he is seeing.

Once the confusion wears off its replaced with a tightly pressed smile, the smile of a mother who wants to whoop their childs ass but can't since they are in public.

I look back at Jungkook whos nervously sweating. He glances between me and Jin before throwing me off.

I land on my butt near the edge of the bed, if the push was and harder I would have fallen off the bed. He quickly mumbles a 'mian' my way before looking back at his hyung.

Jungkook POV:

Why why why did Jin hyung have to come out of all the hyungs. I mean I love Jin hyung and all but he's a little overprotective and has rather traditional views on dating and love, he is really old so....

But hey I technically broke the company's 'no dating' rule. I mean Jin hyung has broken like at the very least 20 company rules perhaps he'll let me off easy if he realises I'm following his footsteps.

"Jungkook, what was going on before I entered?" He calmly asks, walking towards me.

He is only being calm to be careful of his 'handsome' image around (Y/N) since they aren't familiar yet. This is good, I can use her as a defense system. I have to make sure the two of them don't become friendly with each other.

"Ah well we were eating and then I dropped sauce and she was helping me wipe it off and something happened and she accidentally fell and I was just trying to catch her and you walked in," I say in one breath.

I mean I shouldn't be nervous nothing happened. Absolutely nothing, I look over at (Y/N) who was busy eating and calmly watching the show down.

She doesnt understand a single word coming out of our mouths, in this moment I wish I didn't understand korean either.

He inhales sharply "Okay Jungkook, I'm trusting you on this one,"

Wait what... why? How? This isn't Jin hyung. Or oh my gosh Jin hyung has been bitten thats why he's acting out of character.

"Don't do anything stupid, pregnancy can still happen,"

I choke on my own saliva "Pregnancy!? Hyung I can barely look at her in close proximity without becoming nervous, we could neeeevveeer do that,"

He gives me a knowing look "which is why I can trust you. You're too shy to make a move,"

Is he doubting me, I really shouldn't say anything to tick him off but... but the urge is irresistible.

With a little regained confidence "..Is this a challenge?" I question.

...And now comes the instant regret.

Hyung crosses his arms over his chest and begins speaking in his extremely 'expressive' tone "Challenge my ass. Just dont cause trouble bunny boy, I'll be watching. In fact I'll start watching now, finish your food and come downstairs with me. She needs to rest anyways,"

We ate mostly in silence. She finished her food quickly and began talking with Jin hyung. He was so polite and soft-spoken there was an obvoius language barrier, worse than the barrier between her and I.

Yes! Namjoon hyungs one-on-one english tutoring is working but my plan on keeping them apart is crumbling right before me.

And this stupid spiky spoon is not helping me eat faster.


Namjoon hyung is sitting in the middle of Jin and Hoseok hyung on the sofa. Yoongi hyung is sprawled out on the loveseat, Jimin sitting on the floor next to it. Taehyung is laying on his tummy on the beanbag.

While I'm seated in the middle of all of them. It feels as though I'm in court, a guilty criminal going through trial.

"Jungkook?" Namjoon hyung calls and I snap my head up at him.

He crosses one leg over the other "Jin hyung has informed me that you like (Y/N)?"

"Uh like? I dunno I wouldn't say like,"

"Just get to the point," Yoongi hyung interrupts.

"Okay yes maybe," I sheepishly say.

Namjoon hyung presses his lips together before speaking "We like her too, not in the way you do but we don't know who she is so be weary,"

Hoseok hyung continues "We wont stop you or anything. You're old enough to make your own decisions it's just if the apocalypse ends and the world begins to put itself back together again. We'll fly halfway across the world,"

V hyung takes over "Will she want to date a korean celebrity thats halfway across the globe. If things between you both get leaked think of all the hate she'll receive,"

"Say the apocalypse doesnt end and you both are happy, theres a chance one of you may die at any moment. The other will drown in misery. Besides you speak different languages, what do you even know about her?" Yoongi hyung mumbles. He must be tired from the cooking, cooking isn't really his style.

"We just don't want to see either of you hurt," Jimin says, concluding their speech.

I hadn't thought about most of this, and it pains me to say this but the hyungs may be right even Jimin.

"I appreciate your concern hyungs. I will definitely take all of your advice into consideration before proceeding to do anything further,"

Does that sound grown up enough? Perhaps if it did I would be able to ease their worries. I wouldn't want to cause them extra trouble considering the situation we're in.

Hoseok hyung smiles brightly "Wah jungkookie sounds like a real man now,"

All the hyungs nod along and I felt relieved.

"It's good to know that you're dealing with the situation responsibly Jungkook," Namjoon hyung comments.

Yes, this my 'senpai has noticed me' moment. The older hyungs leave to go discuss somethings regarding when we'll leave to help y/n out.

Leaving me with Jimin and V hyung.

Both of them are wearing matching expression, I don't know what kind of expression its meant to be though. I've never seen them make this one before.

Then they both burst out laughing.

Why do I sense trouble.

A/N: Merry Christmas💜

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