Chapter 43

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My first encounter with him raced through my mind, as if it happened just yesterday. I remembered every detail. Wanting to die, the metal doors clanging, him leaning over me, the room of once foreign faces.

Well she did share something very personal I suppose ...I can tell her this much atleast.

I coughed a little "well, I got trapped in a hospital and my only exit was locked. A horde, a very fast moving on might I add, cornered me and I braced myself for imminent death but he got to me before death did,"

A soft 'waaah' left a her lips before she spoke "he really came in like a protagonist straight out of some wattpad fanfiction and saved you,"

"A wattpad what now?"

Her cheeks tint red as she side-eyed Taehyung in the seat in front of her "uhm, nothing. As you were saying,"

"And uhm he couldn't really speak when we first met but he tried, all of them did. He's always there for me and knows when I'm down without me even needing to speak. Eventhough we cant say much to each other yet he always has the right words,"

"Woah, sounds picture perfect,"

"We ran into some minor bumps but for the most part ...I suppose it is. Well, here we are today,"

Another 'wah' left her lips "so would you say you're in love with him? Are you both dating yet?"

We weren't officialy together, he talked about waiting yesterday. Wanting to wait until we could atleast understand each other better before developing something more serious between us or so I assume.

Do I love him?

Isn't it obvious? But its a little too soon to say it out loud right? Especially to her of all people.

"I'm sorry but, why are you acting so friendly towards me?" I skeptically asked.

She's still suspicious, jumping over to our side when we're enemy side in a heartbeat and readily helping us infiltrate her previous home.

Her head tilted to the side like a lost puppy "well, I'm an official fort9 member aren't I? I have to befriend the people. I apologise if I made you uncomfortable,"

Hmm, official.

I shook my head at once, hands instinctively reaching out but return back to me before I held her "It's not that, I thought you'd hate me for killing Robert,"

Her eyes grew bigger, head straightening up "you can't kill someone thats technically not alive and ultimately it was required. I'd prefer his zombified face cracked on the road rather than delving into Hoseoks arm,"

Hmmmmm, so she does have some brains. Interesting.

"And the Jungkook thing too," I quietly add.

"Jungkook thing?" She questions it herself then something clicked in her head, she snapped her fingers "OH! You mean when he slapped your bare ass?"

The car jerked forwards, my eyes darted to Sean, his hands gripping onto the steering wheel till his knuckles turned white and muttering profanities to himself.

Overreaction much.

Taehyung turned behind, mouth hanging open in shock but the shock quickly morphed into a sly smile before he returned back to staring out the window. he knows too.

Ruth patted the back of my hand "I'm the one that should be apologising silly. It must've been hard for you to watch," she looked up at me with pitiful eyes "I really can't express how sorry I am to both of you, I didn't mean to get in the way,"

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