Chapter 37

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I couldn't help any of the boys up, my arm hurt too much to carry itself, especially after the weasley wannabe further crushed my arm. I just watch them drag Namjoon and Jimin up to the third floor.

On the bright side atleast Jungkook could walk on his own now, with some assistance from the bannister.

Meaning no more Ruth using that as an excuse to snuggle up to the guy.

My toes danced in the soft rectangular rug of the top floor hallways in delight.


With a final grunt Namjoon makes it past the top step.

"So here we are, theres three rooms. This is mine," I tap on the door to the left "the other two are yours," I point towards the rooms on the wall opposite mine "theres a conjoined bathroom between, and I have my own personal one, feel free to use it. Theres another downstairs too,"

Both Namjoon and Yoongi nod, understanding, Jungkook and Hoseok seem to grasp atleast a little info. The others unfortunately stand about like sims, waiting for further instruction or a translation.

....this is going to be a very long day.

"Okay, so go shower and get settled, I'll be-"

Namjoon raises his hand "Sorry to interrupt but," he tugs on the hem of his fraying olive green shirt, "...we don't have any clothes to change into, they're in the truck,"

"Oh right, dont worry, I'll steal them for you and I'll go fetch the local doctor,"

"Steal?" Hoseok questions back, a slight frown spreading on his lips.

Ah yes, the righteous member.

"Not steal," I corrected myself.

His frown turned itself upside down at once while he tapped his feet happily on the floor.

...a very long day indeed.


As soon as I opened the front door, I see a small cluster of people gathered by the sidewalk. All eyes on me.

"May I help you?"

"MOVE," a single person from the crowds commanded, sliding through the people with ease.


She gasps looking at me in disbelief.

My emotional state cannot handle yet another soppy reunion. I might just burst out crying.

Lips trembled while my feet moved to her automatically. She runs up to meet me in the middle, half laughing, half crying.

"I'm not dreaming, am I?" She pauses right in front of me, her eyes travelled to my shoulder, the edges of the bruising peeking out from under the wide neckline, worry stained her face.

"It's not a bite, and this isn't a dream,"

A choked cry resonates from the back of my throat. She grabs me into a hug, mindful of my botched up arm

"Wait till Sean sees you," she clutches me tightly, swaying us slightly.

All cordial feelings took a sharp turn in the other way. I pull my head off her shoulder, dread coursing through me.

"Where is he" my teeth gritted.

Her head pulled back from the hug as well, shock fluttered across her face at my sudden change.

As expected, she doesn't know he's the whole reason I went missing after all. He kept the dirty little secret all to himself.

"He just left on a supply run last night, why?"

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