Chapter 48 -Final

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The moment the vehicles came into view Scott rushed out and picked Ruth up, he hovered by her, tending the best he could to whatever injuries she sustained. The two of them lingered by the edge of the group, absorbed in their own little converstation, Jungkook was a little far off, taking care of whatever stray zombies that approached us and the rest of us were still deciding on seating and where we should place the body.

"I'll be back," I absentmindedly told them and made my way to Ruth and Scott.

"Hey Scott, do you think I'll be able to steal her for a moment,"

He looked at her, she nodded and then he did "Sure ...but try anything and I'll be the one snapping you in half,"

"Sure, sure," I brushed him off.

Scott left us and took my place with the other guys.

"Look, Ruth I apologise for doubting you,"

"Don't mention it," she awkwardly laughed, scratching the side of her head "I would have been suspicious of me too,"

"Thanks for ...everything you did for us today. Friends?" I held my hand out but she ignored it entirely and pulled me into a bear hug.

"Friends." She hummed.

She broke the hug and we rejoined the group that now included Jungkook as well.


I still clung onto him in the front of the pick-up truck even after he fell asleep against the window.

After the whole near-death scare I'm not letting go, just nope.

Sean drove in silence, there was no one else in the vehicle but us ...and a body bag on the backseat.

"You still think I tried killing you?"

I shrugged, inching away from him.

I'm never using rock-paper-scissors to decide seating again.

"you really like him don't you, you even cried,"

Oh god, here we go, the uncomfortable small talk.

"I cry when happy," I dryly replied.

"You rarely did before,"

"There wasn't much to be happy about,"

Things grew quiet until he decided to speak again.

"Anyhow, I'm happy for you and Junglebook,"

My eyes scanned him, there was no sass or sarcasm in his words and he looked genuine ...I suppose.

"Jungkook." I corrected him, attempting to atleast sound a little less repulsed by Sean.

He hummed in response and silence crept back in and stayed there throughout the rest of the car ride.

And that was pretty much it, life continued on, the with the absence of Clarissa the addition of 7 new faces.

-4 months later-

"Noo noo noo Namjoon! Did you break another one of the little toy guns I gave you for practice,"

He looked at the grey and orange plastic bits in his hand and back up to me with a half-smile.

"How angry would you be if I did?"

"Thats the fourth one this week and its only Tuesday!" I threw my hands up in exasperation.

4 months, its been 4 months since all the drama died down but training them and teaching them English (with Namjoons help) has probably aged me 4 years.

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