Chapter 17

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Piercing sounds of glass hitting the floor and the thumping of boxes falling interrupted Namjoon.

The kitchen is attatched to 2 other rooms, living room and what once was the 'man cave', now a storage room and is also the source of the noise.

My back was facing the entrance of the ex-man cave but before I could turn my head....

Hoseoks screams "SOMBIE!!!!!" while jumping out of his chair.

It was just one, slowly making its way towards the table. I haven't dealt with one in so long, I don't know if I can anymore.

It had a large shard of frosted glass sticking out of its calf, leaving a trail of blood behind it as it limped over.

Everyone at the table gets up and moves away, none of us are armed. Yoongi pushes the flimsy foldable wooden chair that he was sitting on at it.

The table is completely empty not even a table cloth to throw on the moving pile of rotten flesh.

Everyone was still in a morning daze, no one was coming up with a plan to take this thing down but then

Another unpleasantly shrill sound could be heard.

"Aiyeyaiyaiyaiyaiyaiyaiyaiyaiyai," Jin screeched while running towards the zombie at top speed with his frying pan.

The zombie turns towards the source of the noise just in time to make face- to-frying-pan-base contact.

I closed my eyes, holding the closest hand for reassurance, as a horrible squelching sound broke through the room followed with the sound of a liquid that could be none other than blood splattering in all directions.

Way to take the thing out rapunzel style.

After a few more blows, I open my eyes and see Jin breathing heavily while wiping a few droplets of blood from his face, the zombie lying limp and distorted in a pool of dark red on the pale orange ceramic floor.

I look at the floor and the only thing I can think of is thank goodness its not carpet

The person on my left whispers into my ear "Now I know why hobi was in pain, you really do have an unnecessarily strong grip,"

I can tell from the voice it's Namjoon, okay not really its just because of the fluent English.

"Sorry, mian," I apologise in both languages while looking up and slipping my hand out of his.

"Its alright, Jungkook got it worse," he smiles gently and nudges his head behind us.

I look back and see Jungkook with Hoseoks clinging onto his left side, legs wrapped around his waist, infamous bone crushing hugging arms are around his neck, low key choking the boy.

Yoongi shouts something in korean and this is the loudest I've ever heard him speak. Its probably the loudest he's ever tried speaking too since his voice cracked mid-sentence.

I look forward only to see this time not 1 but 5 more zombies wandering in.

Hoseok screams. Jin screams. Jimin screams and all 3 of them run behind the counter, grabbing stuff from drawers. The rest of the gang move towards Jin without looking away from the approaching zombies.

Jin hands me a bread knife, Namjoon gets a meat cleaver, Hoseok a chopping board and the rest I don't know since hoseok pulled me along with him to fight the 5 zombies.

My hand was tembling, it shouldn't be. I've done this hundreds of times before, it's nothing unusual. Despite my pep talk I cant help but feel terrified, I havent killed in weeks.

What if I miss?

Images of a zombie diving straight for my neck flashes through my mind, I can almost feel the bite and make a twisted face of pain.

Hoseok looks at me worriedly while my eyes widen at the thing standing behind him.

I hold him by the shoulders and spin him around so that he's facing the creature that has half of its face flesh already ripped off and hanging by its chin.

Hoseok lets go of my hand a starts yelling "Naege gakkai oji mara!" Or something relatively similar, repeatedly, at the top of his lungs while whacking the horrifying being on its head several times.

The sound of the chopping board making contact with its head gives me goosebumps.

Namjoon managed to get the meat cleaver stuck in the cranium of a zombie, Jimin is holding it back while he tries to get his weapon out.

Jin is sitting atop a zombie while smashing its brains out with his frying pan.

Taehyung and Jungkook have somehow beheaded their zombie and are now throwing the head to and fro, playing the 'I'm not holding it. You hold it' game. Blood staining their hands and shirts.

Yoongi pushed disposable wooden chopstick through the eyes of the last zombie, piercing its brain. It staggers around, gradually getting lower and lower and closer to its death. He watches proudly as his 'minimal work yet maximum outcome' plan unfolds before him.

I look down at my gleaming bread knife, looks like I didn't need this after a- AAAHHH.

I couldn't think. My body froze. I couldn't react as a zombie gripped onto my arm which was holding the knife.

When did a sixth even come through!

I try wriggling my arm out but it had both hands clamped onto me. It's foul stench made my stomach churn as it lowered its chompers closer to my struggling arm.

Well wasn't this what I'd always been hoping for, even in my dreams. Its finally actually happening. Im gonna die.


unlike the previous times, I now have a will to live. I look over at the 7 men, with worry painting each of their faces, already rushing over to help.

They're my will.

Besides I still need to find out the truth of my mothers murder.

Ignoring my worries and acting purely out of instinct, I straighten my arm and flick my wrist so that the knife hits its ribs, hard enough to get lodged between the decaying flesh.

It stumbles a little, loosening its grip on my arm, seizing the opportunity I harshly jerk my arm out.

Its hands desperately try grabbing me once more but I dodge them by going under its arm and take my knife back as I moved behind it.

With 1 swift movement, I rammed the knife into its skull, watch it stop moving and fall face flat onto the floor.

Holy shit! That went better than expected. My hands are still trembling but not out of fear, rather the adrenaline.

I yank the knife out and and slice open a new wound on its head once more. Better to be safe than sorry.

I look up and see 4 extremely impressed faces and 3 mildly impressed, all covered in red droplets and stains.

7 faces.

There should be 8.

Where is my biological relative?

(Mian : sorry (informal))

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