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I had always hated change. Even when I was younger. My mother used to always say that it was because I was special. Maybe she was right.

The first change in my life is what made me hate change. I was 5 years old. My mother had died. My father turned to alcohol to cope with her death.

The second change was when my father began to beat me. He had blamed me for my mother's death. I was 6.

The third change happened when I was 11. My uncle, Arthur, and my aunt, Lucille, found out about my father beating me and he took me away from him. I moved from my home in Miami, Florida to a small town called Forks in the state of Washington.

The fourth change happened when I was 14. It was a gradual change. I had finally come to terms with who I was. I had come out as gay. My uncle, aunt, and cousin accepted but living in a small town, most of the people of Forks didn't. I was bullied, quite often.

The fifth change happened when I was 15. I had dated someone. My first boyfriend. His name was Jared Newton. He was a Junior, captain of the football team and one of my most popular boys in this small shit school.

I should have know something was up when he asked me out. I spent the first two months of our relationship rather cautiously. But he had broken down my walls by our third month. And broke my heart by our fourth. By the sixth month, I couldn't deal with it anymore and we broke up right before summer started.

He told our school it was all him. And I let him. I was too tired and too hurt to deal with it. That summer, my aunt died. I wasn't too close to her, but I still felt it. That was the last change to happen in my life.

I'm 16 now. It's the day before a new year at Forks High. I'm a Sophomore. Yay, right? Not really. Because this was the year one of the biggest changes ever occurred in my life.

After all the stuff I've been through, I'm not the biggest fan of change. And at first, I hated this change. But this change made it hard for me to hate it. And soon I found myself falling in love with him.

Changes {Emmett Cullen} Where stories live. Discover now